Fidelorean driving for Congress in Wisconsin!

Day 1,249, 11:25 Published in USA USA by Fidelorean

Hey all,

I'm running driving for congress in the great state of Wisconsin!

Why vote for Fidelorean?
1. I used to play eRepublik back in 2009, so I'm not a newb
2. I used to be a sergeant in the TC and a lieutenant in the US Army
3. I'm a devoted Federalist, in charge of the new Federalist Charity Fellowship and part of the Fed Outreach Program
4. I'm an active and involved member of eRepublik, always reading, learning, and participating
5. I'm willing to be honest, help others, and listen to people

Now, part of being honest is explaining my weaknesses.
I've never been a part of politics, so I cannot say I am a congress veteran. I am still learning the process, but I do learn quickly.

Since this is my first run at Congress, I cannot promise that I will fix the economy or conquer Poland. What I can promise is that I will listen to you.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, complaints, jokes, anything! Let me know. My job as senator is not to gain power, but to represent you in congress.

Also, I'm not that rich but if you need help free free to PM here and I'll help you to the best of my ability.

Again, please vote for Fidelorean in Wisconsin! Because a vote for Fidelorean is a vote for all of you!
