Fewer Battle, Fewer Activity!

Day 1,704, 11:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by KhanAlves

Hi everyone! I'm starting to share my ideas about our country with this article.It's the first time I have talking about some country and politics.I saw, The eIreland is inactive in eWorld activities! It can be effect to population in eIreland.This country should be more active than today! We never make war properly since I came eIreland.Just 3-5 wars...We haven't got any oil regions.Also,We have not babyboom...

In Turkey, we did many thing about activity.I would like to suggest to you some of theese activities.I'm not good as a strategist.First of all, we need more battle activity for that.We need more national goals.I'm following law proposals since I came.I saw just Alience's yet.We need eUSA-eCanada war in theese days.We can get some part for us.Some Congress Members presented Natural Enemy Law since 2 days but that is rejected.Guys! No war means; No activity! No bonus! No babyboom!We should new places where have got a different resources...

Secondly,I will mention about babyboom topic.Babyboom is one of best thing for countries economics.Goverment should develope project about babyboom.In my opinion, we can do some video contest in eIreland.And we can pay IEP for winners.Also,we can create education ministry for babies.This ministry can help babies and care about them.We can do many projects about it.

As a result, we need to be a full of action.Thats the activity what I mean.I hope, I described my ideas.4 days later, I will join candidate elections.I will candidate from Cork.Me and My Party waiting your votes!If I will elected,I aim these and many similar projects to do!Sorry for my bad english.

Best Regards and Best for eIreland