Fellow eBelarusians

Day 1,067, 10:30 Published in Belarus USA by bernard75

My name is bernard75 and I am running for congress as a member of the Svabodnaya Bielarus Party. First off all let me tell you that I am not a Belarusian by birth but Polish and belong to an experienced group of multinationals, who, contrary to Pheonix propaganda, which is spammed throughout the media, are not here to harm Belarus in any way, but to turn this country into a thriving community.
However, whether you are a Belarusian or an immigrant looking for for a better life in this beautiful country, I hope you will take a moment to look at my ideas for our country and how to make it stronger and better.
So i have a question for you: Are you tired of boring articles soliciting you to vote for people who have never had an original thought of their own? Perhaps you want real leadership in congress, willing to work on innovative ideas? Maybe you need some time to decide so keep reading to find out.

eRepublik is presented by admins as a, A New World, and in many instances it is. I remember as a new citizen being shocked by the sight of Indonesia occupied Australia or the astonishment of realizing that Poland was the most populous country in the world.
While the new world may be an odd one, there is still politics and the media as well as war and economy modules for players to participate in.
That is if they don’t get too frustrated and quit, having been left hungry on the side of the road after being flattened by a Russian tank.

As an emerging nation, we must look for our most precious national asset every day, our new population. Imagine the disappointment they must feel when they are born into a communist Russian colony their parents struggled so long to escape. We must ensure those newborn citizens stay alive and in the game to fight and defend our national borders and work in our food and weapon companies.
There is no question that there will be a huge babyboom, but we all have to work together hard to recruit and retain new players. It's a huge challenge because of the changes made by the admins have had unattended consequences and partly because tried and true formulas for success have gone to the way side.
As your congressman, I will not accept the admins failures and problems with game mechanics to stop eBelarus from reaching its full potential.

While many congressmen will bore you with multi step plans and long platforms(hey stop looking at your watch). My platform consists of just one very simple principle:


I understand that everyone says that but here’s the difference: I actually have a plan how to accomplish it!

I am a relatively new player, myself having joined around New Year. I remember that first day having my 10 currency in my pocket, being excited about the game and how I was going to be a media mogul and a business owner and a military hero and was just eager to turn and burn. Then I went through the tutorial and was confused as heck. . .

“Was this game only about pushing a few buttons?” I asked myself.

Then I was given that first PM from a mentor, telling me how to find the forums and other helpful information, it helped pull me back from the abyss as I eventually learned what to eat and about housing and how to fight and heal. I eventually made the best decisions of my e-life by joining a battle group and getting involved in economics.
We live in an complex society and most people do not have the patience to settle down and figure out the complexities of a new system. They need help, and fortunately we have a great collection of experienced citizens to teach them.
As a country we do not have a lot of time once those new citizens check on board to get them involved, face it there are better games out there for political junkies, military strategist, or inspiring business leaders. eRepublik is only fun because of the people we meet and interact with along the way. If a new citizen does not find a social outlet within the first few days the likelihood of him or her staying is slim to none.

New Player Retention:
To help maintain new citizens, eBelarus needs:

1. A professional and detailed welcome message, telling players how to find help, how to get to our forums and chats. The message should be simple, well formatted, not sarcastic and provide the link to a collection of articles, messages and tutorials they should read in order to be successful in eRepublik.

2. Every new citizen should be encouraged by a mentor to take part in whatever interests them the most. Citizens interested in military should be distributed to our battle groups. Citizens interested in politics should be provided to sanctioned political parties of eBelarus. For this purpose I as your congressman stand for the introduction of a mentor program.

3. Foundation of eBelarus funded outreach groups which help new players in their first days of their new life by distribution of advise and bread. As your congressman I will ensure that the eBelarus funding for all charities are reviewed and those that are working are rewarded and those that aren't are trimmed back or eliminated altogether.

Face it, new citizens don’t need a helping hand, they need a size 12 boot up their butt to get them to the people and organizations that make things fun. If eBelarus does not make the effort then bad actors like Arschmann or others can exploit them for their own ends.

For those who have read this far: Thank You! V1.5 has brought a profound change to the game and as a country we have still not taken advantage of our collective strength to really thrive. Every new citizen is crucial to our efforts to protect our new found state, whether as a newly trained soldier in our battle groups or as a new employee in our weapons and bread companies. Lets treat every new player as a precious resource as these new citizens will be our future leaders, in a month or two.

If you enjoyed the ideas in this article and would like to help me make Belarus better please send me a short PM. I will be happy to provide tickets to move you from your current country to Belarus and back on election day and vote for bernard75 from Svabodnaya Bielarus Party.