Feds Need Blockers!

Day 910, 10:16 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

Its the season for hunting down eRep's citizens, handing them tickets and sending them along their way to block. As it is we're doing pretty well so far with getting enough people to cover every state. We're obligated to fill 61 slots this month, and we'll need your help to do it. You only need to be level 11 to sign up for this and help out the nation. The Federalist sign up sheet to block can be found here:


Why Should You Block?
In case you're not familiar with the tactic, heres a quick explanation. Our Elections are not safe, we've got enemies in the world both foreign and domestic who look to destroy this country by gaining the in game powers of a congressman. Once one of these guys gets a seat in congress, they can give american citizenship to all their buddies who will come over to the US and vote against American interests. A Party President cannot decide to NOT run somebody for congress, if you're the only guy who went to a state and signed up to run, you get to run. So, if a hun is the only guy to move to nebraska and sign up to run as a fed for congress, he gets to run for congress. If another guy though, a patriotic american also went to nebraska the PP can choose him to run instead of the hun, effectively blocking the foreign threat.

All that is required, is moving to the assigned state, clicking the "run for congress" button, and then moving back to Karnataka. Tickets are provided by the party if you need them.

Blocking protects the whole nation, as a top 5 party we have our obligation to protect america. The Federalists have done a magnificent job of this for months, and we'll be continuing this tradition, so Sign up to Block: Save the World!

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