Federalist Papers (Day 3297)

Day 3,297, 18:14 Published in USA USA by Wasp15

Dateline: November 29th, 2016 (3297)
Location: Offices of Federalist Party Department of Media.

Americans react to FG4D ~Terran Loyalist
MCKitKat, Viceroy ~WaspIV
Now hiring ~Federalist Media
Community Notice ~Federalist Media

How have people been responding to Fingerguns announcing her candidacy for president? We asked notable eUS citizens to share their thoughts.
"I was around when fingerguns first was CP as her CoS. I can say without doubt that her leadership and ability to motivate the nation to achieve great things is beyond reproach. She would be an exceptional choice to lead this nation as its dictator." - Jefferson Locke
"Fingerguns is active, quality, and actually cares. She's good people. I support her 500%." - Paul Proteus
"I believe that December is one of the hardest ‘in season’ months to run this country. If she has no detractors who will be up her ass non-stop about the lack of activity, then it should be a fairly successful month for her." - Dinnyin
The SFP’s Franklin Stone left us in no doubt with his views: “Electing fingerguns as Dictator would be like America electing Hillary and Bill Clinton as Madam President and Mister First Lady. Besides who wants Pfeiffer Period wandering around the White House half dressed wearing bunny slipper.”
Meanwhile, her campaign hashtag inspired our Viceroy…
"I can confirm she wants the D, and will work tirelessly to ensure that she gets it." - Pfeiffer
- "I'm happy that fingerguns is willing to take the D. It is a hard job and requires a person who likes big things and knows how to handle big problems. I know that fingerguns can take anything, whatever size it is, so I will stand behind her and watch her deal with the D. The people will quite certainly like a lot of her plans on how to handle the D and will be pleasantly surprised by her ability and natural talent at it..."
On the speculation that FG is simply running for office to escape being jailed for her ‘awful job’ as viceroy:
"I'm not planning to jail her just yet, first she will have to take the D and make the best with it and then we'll see how she handled herself and if she deserves to go to jail or not. Nevertheless, it gives me the opportunity to make more things great again."
Finally, jokes aside, who better to give an endorsement than Rainy Sunday:
"I am super excited for a fingerguns presidency. Her enthusiasm and upbeat attitude are contagious and sorely needed. I think she's outstanding at leading by example, she knows how to delegate well, isn't shy to offer criticism where it's needed, and focuses on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. She brings her own well-considered ideas to the table but is always open and eager to improve those ideas and takes genuine interest in others. I've always loved her. Partly for her ability to balance confidence with humility. Mostly for her love of laughter."
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to contribute.

We interviewed our current Viceroy MCKitKat about his job as Viceroy. He was excited to talk to us, and has also offered to help contribute to more Federalist Media.
Federalist Media: What's it like taking over from Fingerguns?
MCKitKat: It’s great, I was able to get enough Material to Start a Burning Man, the greatest One ever and all proceedings will go into finishing the Wheel of Death.

FM: What are you doing different?
M: Well for starters, I have a nicer Office. I've been using my Personal castle for it. Otherwise, I'm far less compassionate than fingerguns. She gave people chances they didn't deserve *cough*kody*cough* and just wasted a bunch of money. I'm turning both things down and I will bring cruelty back.

FM:What are your thoughts on the tied polls in the Viceroy vote?
M:The vote doesn't matter as the Electoral College, ehm, I mean kody has proclaimed me the Winner. I find it pathetic of Pfeiffer that he still clings on his "victory". Get over it and accept your defeat.

FM: Do you intend to run again?
M: That will depend on the work and my Time. I have accepted a Position in cabinet as the resident filthy forig so I might not have the Time to focus on all things for the second Run. I also want to see new blood prove itself so I hope the survivor of the Wheel of Death will candidate.

FM: Tell us some of your backstory.
M: I'm a former eBelgian, multiple time gov worker. My first Job was as a humble ambassador which instantly promoted me to Deputy MoFA. Due to salt, I ended up replacing the actual MoFA and got thrown into the cold water. Still, I made a bunch of friends over my 4 year eLife from Belgians to Brits to Koreans to Spaniard and Muricans. During these 4 years I got adopted, married, fathered children, got divorced, became Duke, losz children became king, became Prophet. A Life of banter

FM: Any advice for new players?
M: Don't hide. Search the communication channels and talk to people. Use your voice so that we get to know you, otherwise this game will stay boring for you. The fun is to find other people and have fun together. It’s making friends that transcends the game. Don't be shy, reach out and you'll find a world of banter.

The Federalist Papers is always looking for new material. If you have something you’d like us to discuss, please PM Wasp15.
We’re also looking to obtain a few writers, so if you enjoy writing and are willing to try to submit at least one segment a week, just contact Wasp15.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for the Federalist party forum and Discord!