Federalist Papers (Day 3285)

Day 3,285, 16:18 Published in USA USA by Wasp15

Dateline: Thursday, November 17th, 2016 (Day 3,285)
Location: Offices of Federalist Party Department of Media.

Fed media changes
Term summary report
Fed Party community

Here at the Media Department of the Federalist Party, we are changing up the way things are done, so don’t expect the same old humdrum of last term. We are changing the layout of our articles to be more consistent with WHPR articles. Party President, Kody5, has promised much more media activity, and a wider field of reporting. So expect to see reports on national affairs, interviews with popular players and a whole lot more this month. To top it off, we are doubling the number of updates, so there will always be something new to read.

This last month has been busy for the Federalist Party. We’ve seen more media output and more player activity than usual. This is thanks in large part to Viceroy Fingerguns and her diabolical game “The Wheel”. 25 players entered the semi-finals, which makes it one of the most popular games in recent eRep history.
Several programs for new players were also established by Recruitment and Retention Department, aiming to help them get established and familiar with the eRep. R&R ran very efficiently, bringing our numbers up to 180. Forum and Discord activity are up, which is a good sign, as it indicates a lot of new players getting active in the community.

If you haven’t already, sign up for the Fed Party Forum and our Discord server. It is here, especially on Discord, where most of the action occurs. And, it’s also the best way for other people to get to know you, which is key to obtaining a leadership position.