Federalist Election Overview

Day 980, 16:40 Published in USA USA by JDR1986

So the Congressional Elections are over. This month there was alot of stuff happening so I will give you an overview of everything that I was directly or indirectly involved in and tell you how it affected the elections.

I am a big fan of accountability. This month I took over the political department when rl took out the acting political director. The problem with this is that I had to let multiple positions both inside and outside the party suffer as political director is a full time job. I didn't ask for the position but I took it knowing what I would be getting myself into. The political director should be a very organized, diplomatic, and charismatic person. In rl I am none of these things and the only reason I survived this month was because the organization of our previous political director Firesand.

Now I would like to be fully accountable for my actions before I start giving out pats on the back. My negotiation methods towards the end were aggressive, threatening, and childish. I was on my last straw and with everything that happened I lost it. As for my other party duties I am QMG of the EZC and due to time restraints I was not able to send out supplies as fast as I should have. I am also the director of the FOP and once again due to the increased workload in the political office editing was not done in a timely manner two dispatches were written by my assistants and I wasn't able to make sure the dispatches were sent out as they were supposed to. I thank everyone tibbets and Ibronoshed for there covering in the FOP and I thank Karabeth and Calebb for there help in EZC. I apologize for any problems any of these things may have caused.

Now onto the actual political team this month. David Landon as party president this month was great he had priority's set in a timely manner and also helped in the placement, mailing, coordination of candidates and blockers. Next I would like to thank Alexander Hamilton. Not only did he become a last minute blocker but he also made sure the FEC list was filled on the 23rd when I was unable to be on. Mellissa Rose stepped up as a blocker, a mobile voter, and helped david and alex get blockers placed a big thank you also to her rl husband Xelot who mobile voted and filled an fec blocker spot. Duvaleaton stepped up as a last minute collaborater and helped me decide where to place snipers, I hope for his help next month. I know I am leaving out a few other political office guys mainly cause I don't have room to list everyone individually. Thank you to everyone that helped make this election a success. That means all political team members, candidates, blockers, and mobile voters. You all helped and you all deserve credit. One last big thank you to the top five parties this month. Your collaboration to resolve disputes was greatly appreciated. Sometimes we got in eachothers way or had a conflict but excellent party presidents and political teams were able to resolve them or settle them and I hope to see more cooperation next month.

The Federalists ran 30 candidates this month. 18 of them were priority, 2 were sixth parties, and 8 were low priority. Of those 30 candidates we won 16 none of which were blockers. Out of the winning candidates 13 candidates were priority, 1 was sixth party, and 2 were low priority. This month the Federalists used there votes the most effectively having an average of 16.31 votes for each elected candidate or a total of 9 spread across all 29 candidates running. ADTP used there votes the least effectively at 69 votes for each of there 3 elected candidates. Great job to all the Federalists.

Now on to election night coverage 977. The FEC quickly noticed that PTHutt was a pto effort and tried to rally enough votes against him to block him. Due to current FEC regulations the person in the lead at the time of the decision is given the ato support. At roughly 17:00 erep time Doubleblade was in the lead 5-4. FEC ruled to support Doubleblade. At that point I sent 2 mobile voters for ato efforts to doubleblade. About an hour later I talked to Emerick regarding Glove the SEES candidate in Chongqing. At that point I pledged 2 more votes to emerick and his candidate in chongqing and the low priority state of Nebraska. Ato efforts continued and glove was in the lead with a small sniping team in place. Sadly that was not enough and pizza won 19-17.

I arranged a deal with S-mac of USWP to not send mobile voter support to Maryland if he would not send mobile voter support to virginia. This allowed a win for each of our parties respectively. Also a deal was made with the USWP in Louisiana to not provide party support to either candidate this deal was also followed on both ends and Henry Arundel won 7-4.

There was last minute sniping by the Feds in the regions of Rhode Island and Jiangxi. The Feds lost Jiangxi and won Rhode Island. With fewer last minute voters this month sniping efforts were lacking. Several regions the Feds were winning prior to sniping were unfortunately lost due to other party sniping attempts.

TLDR Version:
1.Pizza the Hutt ptoed the state of Chongqing.

2.My diplomacy skills were lacking this month and I apologize.

3.The Federalists appreciate the help of everyone involved in making this such a great month.

4.Deals were made with the USWP and SEES the deals gave up the regions of Nebraska, Chongqing, and Maryland. While gaining win's for the Feds in Texas, Virginia, and Louisiana.