Fed up

Day 813, 20:58 Published in Sweden Argentina by Nico Irenfrea

(since I'm currently living on eSweden I will publish this article here, in respect of the society that has adopted me, but I hope that everyone on my friends and suscriber list can read this article. Sorry for my spanish talking friends who dont read english, you will get the point of this 🙂 )

Trying to log in -> Headless chicken
Trying to run your companies -> Headless chicken
Trying to buy something -> Headless chicken
Trying to read the newspaper -> Headless chicken
Trying to do anything in eRepublik -> Headless chicken

We all have been living our eLives through bugs, outages and the such, and having the headless chicken poppin up in our screens became part of the every eRepublik day. We all could blame the admins and keep playing our game, knowing that it was something that was affecting everyone in the New World.

But since some time ago, people has grown fond of cheating methods to attempt to win a battle, specially on DDoS attacks and bug exploits. And they have been trashing the fun for everyone else. I wont start a flaming war of "X is the cheater, Y are the good guys" since I assume that both sides have rotten apples, but my point is that if you dont know how to win without taking an unfair advantage over your enemy, what's the point of playing? Can't develop a better alliance, a better strategy, or a better country program to get a huge babyboom, or an economy to extract the highest amount of gold from the population? Don't you know a better way to play eRepublik?

Or, in other words, you can't stand to lose? Then get out and stop screwing my game. I mean, if you know a bit about eHistory you will see that winning and losing is an essential part of the game, and every country had it's highs and lows. Everyone wins a war, then loses the next one, then wins the next one, and while the wheel keeps turning everyone will have its chance to win if they play smart. If you can't stand losing once in a while then FRIGGIN QUIT.

I got fed about the alliances thingy since a while, probably when I started to see people who took it to a country-hating-level. People usually forgets that this is a game and that no one gets killed IRL nor ingame unless you stop buying food, and sometimes takes the usual trolling to a bigotry level. I have made friends in every eCountry I have been, from eRussia to eSweden (not forgetting eSpain, were I may have passed the best days of my eLife). But some people starts hating the people from other eCountries without even crossing a word with them, or bases their bigotry on RL issues. Thats something I cannot stand. When I had to be in the losing side I coped with it and kept going forward, making plans and helping. Having fun. But we can have fun as long as we are able to play this game, and DDoS attacks wont let us do this.

The military module is fun, no doubt about it, but it will be fun as long as we keep the fights clean. I know that it will be impossible to stop the DDoS attacks and bug exploits but I wonder if anyone will agree with what I think about this since I've seen many praising these actions as long as they come from "their side". I though about leaving eR even when I get most of the fun on the country forums since the so-called "New World" seems to be a world filled with cheaters, corruption and people who only wants to win forever no matter how. I've seen friends leaving the game because of this, so I dont really know what to do. Probably I will keep 2-clicking and reading forums once in a while, and trying to have a good time on my own.

Thanks for reading. If you don't mind, shout this article to your friends 🙂