Fed Newsletter Day 775

Day 775, 11:10 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party
Federalist Party Members, Easy Company Rides Again

Following the victory of the Easy Company Airborne Militia in
Paris against the French in cooperation with Spanish forces, Easy Company is now resting, rearming, and getting ready to battle again.

A summary of the attack written by Easy Company Commander MourningStar –
Mobilized in the face of danger, Federalist Party members rolled out to help their eUS ally, Spain in their fight against the French. Out of their comfort zone, and away from home the Feds provided a much needed service to their allies and comrades. Together, we fought the oppression of eHungary, eIran, eRussia, and Phoenix! Easy Company, which is what the Feds call their mobilized, party driven infantry, has been in effect once again. Coming off their recent victories in Poland, Easy Company looks to again help an ally in need. Headed by Qubert18, and backed by some gun lovin' Feds, The Danny Dingo,and Squad leader Zakashria just to name a few, these Feds are always up to the task of fighting to kill the baddies!

To join up with Easy Company and fight the good fight against the tragically named "Phoenix" alliance, register and sign up on the Federalist Party Forums. Though the Easy Company Militia is operated by the Federalist Party, it is open to all citizens of the new world and grateful for the confidence of the Office of Militia Support.

Federalist Party Presidential Primary
The Federalist Party is once again running its Party Presidential Primary from the forums. Please register for the forums, and submit your nominations and votes here.

Federalist Party PR Staff Wanted
The Federalist Party PR Office is looking for staff including an assistant director, wiki editors, and an assistant to operate the Federalist Pony Express. Please go to the Federalist Forums and leave a message on the Press Department board or send a PM to eliwood_sain.

Federalist Pony Express
Inspired by the ingenious national program of the same name, the Federalist Party has created a service for party members and the eUS to help spread the word about high quality eRepublik media. New Federalist Party member Nick Yamagata has volunteered to run the service. In true Federalist spirit, rather than operating the Federalist Pony Express like the national Pony Express, the Federalist Party is experimenting with running its program through its forums. Nick will post a reply to this thread on the Federalist Party Press Department board. Any Federalist Party member can also post their own articles to this thread and they may be included in future Federalist Pony Express reports at the discretion of the Federalist Pony Express Assistant or the Press Office.
Everyone who votes for Fed Pony Express articles is as cool as this guy. There are studies. While the Federalist Pony Express Assistant and the Press Director also have the authority to remove articles from the Federalist Pony Express thread, members are still encouraged to list their articles on the VOTE IT UP! thread and the eUS Forum Media Board. eRepublik citizens who are not members of the Federalist Party are also invited to view the Federalist Pony Express Reports, but only party members are permitted to reply to the threads on the Press Office board at this time. [

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