FDP and UKRP Merge?

Day 699, 15:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#4 19-10-09

This information apparently leaked a while ago on eUK-Left and I have heard it from a member of the FDP.
Though it seems the UKRP and FDP are trying to keep this secret, it comes to no surprise to most that the United Kingdom Reform Party and the Free Democratic Party, both Centre-Right Wing Libertarian parties, are apparently in the process of discussing a merge, like the FDP and BCP did recently. When members of the UKRP protested and broke off, they formed the FDP. This however, split the right-wing vote and let The Unity Party, Centre-Left, become the leading party in the eUK. If these two Centre-Right Wing parties unified, they could become the top party again. As of now, The Unity Party has 612 members and is the #1 party. The UKRP is #2 with 517 members and the FDP is #6 with 107 members (I would like to point out that the TUP's numbers seemed to have decreased and the UKRP's increased since earlier). If these parties fully merged, they would theoretically have 624 members, becoming the top party in the eUK. I would like to remind you that this is a rumour and if it is true only yet discussed, probably. But it seems likely this will happen, and change eUK politics again.