FB Industries Newsletter

Day 745, 07:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Britain

This will be the first of what we hope will be many updates to our valued employees in FB Food and FB Weapons.

The aims of FB Industries are to promote the cause of the worker, value the custom of the consumer and make a little profit for reinvestment. How we do this is by providing fair wages to our employees, reasonable prices for the consumer and a decent profit for the business. As you can imagine, this can be a difficult endeavour, especially with some of the crazy market fluctuations we have seen, due in no small part to business trying to outsell and undercut each other. It will take some keen market savvy, but we thank all our employees for the stirling effort they put in to the business!

So, it is fast approaching the holiday season in real life, and at FB Industries, we want to show our appreciation for you all. So on or around 25th December, expect a little gift from us to you! Also, this month, we will be running a competition for the best worker. We will take into account such things as productivity, how often you work, and how high you keep your wellness. The winner will be given a nice, new Q1 house, so work hard, work often and work well, and you could find yourself in the draw at the end of this month.

If you have any questions about any issues raised in this newsletter, or would like any advice regarding any areas of eRepublik life, please just drop us a line. We are more than happy to help you get the most out of your New World experience.


FB Industries