FB Industries 'End of Year' Newsletter

Day 768, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Britain

Greetings to all employees of FB Industries. We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas, with lots of food, friends and family. It is at this point of the year, after the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, that our thoughts turn to 'what next'. In this newsletter, we will take a look at the future of FB Industries, but before we do that, lets look back for a brief moment!

In the last newsletter, we outlined what the aims of FB Industries were as a business.In brief, they are to promote the cause of the worker, value the custom of the consumer and make a little profit for reinvestment. In the last month, we feel we have achieved all three of these aims. We have been able to increase daily wages for most of our employees, have sold enough produce, which in turn has been reinvested, with the start-up of a new company (more on that later). All in all, the last month has been a good one, and here's to continued success for the company!

Christmas Gifts
Also in our last newsletter, we promised gifts to all our employees-these were sent out a few days ago, on Christmas eve to all current employees. If you were a current employee, and for some reason did not receive your present, just drop us a line (there were nearly 20 gifts to be sent out, and the site was a little 'buggy' on the 24th). If you weren't with us as an employee, we're afraid you missed out this month, but it is our aim (profits permitting) to ensure that each and every employee not only receives a fair wage, but also benefits in other ways from working for FB Industries.

Monthly Draw
And now on to the results of our monthly draw, which this month is for a Q1 house. There were a lot of hard workers this month, and honourable mention has to be given to Spatula, exlajerdan, guidance and Scott Rix (all from FB Weapons), as well as Gaz444, Nettot, raddis91, Aruther Drakon and Gigglus (from FB Food). As part of our judging criteria, we looked at a number of factors, including how often a person worked, what their productivity levels were, and how high they managed to keep their wellness. It was no easy decision, as there were a few top contenders, but in the end, we selected two (not one) recipients for the Q1 house; Aruther Drakon, and Nettot! Congratulations to you both, your Q1 house will be on it's way to you presently!

New Investments
The decision has been taken to invest in a new company-FB Grain. We hope that this company will not only save FB Food some money in the long run, but will also generate some of it's own profits. We calculated that if FB Grain produces 2500 units of grain, then it will have paid for itself. Of course, factored into this is wages, and that is something that will not constant observation, in order to make sure we don't lose money. This will be a trial and error scenario, but we hope that by the end of next month, we can report some success and stability with this new venture.

Next Month
For next month's employee draw the winner will be given one weeks supply of Q5 food, so work hard, work often and work well, and you could find yourself in the draw at the end of this month. As well as this, ALL FB Industries employees will receive a small employee bonus at the end of the month. As employers, our commitment to you is to regularly analyse our profit margins and pass some of those profits onto you. Obviously no guarantees can be made at this time, but so long as we are making money, wages will be increased.

If you have any questions about any issues raised in this newsletter, or would like any advice regarding any areas of eRepublik life, please just drop us a line. We are more than happy to help you get the most out of your New World experience.


FB Industries