Farewell Address

Day 351, 20:27 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

My fellow Japanese citizens, tonight will be my last opportunity to speak to you from my office as your President. note I am extremely grateful to you for thrice giving me the honor to serve, to work for you and with you to prepare our Nation.
And I'm grateful to Origineel who has served with me for the last 3 Months.

This has been a time of dramatic transformation, and we have risen to every new challenge. You have made our social boundaries stronger, our citizens safer, and our people more prosperous. You, the people, have made our passage into the global scene an era of great Japanese renewal.

In all the work I have done as President--every decision I've made, every executive action I have taken, every law I have proposed and passed--I've tried to give all the tools and conditions to build the future of our dreams in a good society with a strong economy.Though we must keep up our guard, we must also continue to work together to lessen and eliminate tension and mistrust. I want the new closeness to continue but some people might try to break us apart; they won't be able to. Because Japan is just too strong for such instances.

Japan is truly a nation of oppurtunity and unity... We are a great nation make no doubt about it;a nation to be reckon with and we should be happy about it.

" Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love toward it which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself and his progenitors for several generations, I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which I promise myself to realize without alloy the sweet enjoyment of partaking in the midst of my fellow-citizens the benign influence of good laws under a free government--the ever-favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors, and dangers."

Good Luck Japan!
