FAO: eIndonesia and admin

Day 1,882, 20:52 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Dear eIndonesia,
it has come to my knowledge that you seem to have misclaimed some land as yours, but as you can see from the link to wiki below (the font of all knowledge) that you are mistaken and that such parcels of land including papua and muluku are indeed a part of the Australian land shelf.


'Area includes Australia, Papua New Guinea, Papua, West Papua, Maluku Islands, Timor and Halmahera'

Please could you make the arrangements with the admins asap and return to us our land.
I have noticed also that the region is no longer virgin territory and would request a dowry of sorts to be paid to the rightful owners as way of placating them for the suffering caused.

Many thanks for the prompt return

p.s. lol some people are so serious check the comments