Fancy a coffee in Belgrade?

Day 2,077, 14:12 Published in USA USA by Lord Marlock

Folks, the eSerbian PTO group CIPELICI have collapsed, and there is just one guy left... and he is very loonely 🙁

He is currently somewhere in Belgrade, all alone...

The good neighbours that we are, we eCroatians, with the support from our friend eBosnia and Herzegovina, are joining up the ranks to come over and have some coffee with the poor fellow.

Just a little bit more...

The Battle for the Liberation of Belgrade

... and it will be...

WANNA JOIN US ?!?!?!?!

Serija "Doprinosi epovijesti eHrvatske":

.::Skice iz epovijesti eHrvatske::.
.::Nove skice iz epovijesti eHrvatske::.
.::ePovijest eHrvatske kroz sliku::.
.::Dani gnjeva - skice iz vremena Prvog ehrvatsko-esrpskog rata::.

Usput, jeste li znali da je eHrvatska OVOLIKO stara?

"Jedino kad je u pitanju Domovina - svi zajedno, to je svetinja koju imamo od prvog dana, i kad toga više ne bude, možete svi lijepo van iz igre" - Roby Petric, prvi epredsjednik eHrvatske