Failure of A Government [Rewritten]

Day 949, 20:05 Published in Canada Canada by 1ronman

Note: I have rewritten the article to reflect my views better. Also, I am quitting this game, I am not running for CP. Give it another week or so. This is not an attempt to shift attention away from myself or redeem myself. I'm just trying to point out the corruption within the government that I told you existed. Once again, my main issues lie with congress and not with Dade. I respect Dade for following congress' wishes and understand why he did so, but in my honest opinion, in this case, congress needed to be overruled, and Dade needed to take the action that was necessary. Regardless, I want to assure you Dade is NOT my target, Congress is. Ask any one of my closest friends in this game, for the past year, I have absolutely despised how congress has handled bills and decisions.

Debate of the Rental Agreement in Congress:

Failures of Congress:

A rental agreement deal was proposed within congress by Dade. I, among a few others as well as Dade were avid supporters of the bill. Congress voted it down no for no VALID reasons besides Nationalism ones. For the Nationalism BS that i'm referring to go here:

Which Congressmembers Failed you on this topic?
Citizen B
Trenton Rendell
Ralph Kline
WolfGang III
Samuel de Champlain

Failures of the Executive:

It took us 4 months to create a V2 Fund of 2600G. We then lost it because of poor password and email management by the Nea Milosu Administration.

We were offered nearly 3000G a month for 3 months for Manitoba, High Grain/Wood. We have several other regions which also contain BOTH. Manitoba generates at BEST, 300G a month. We were being offered 10X that!

I respect Dade's desicion to follow the will of congress. Afterall, I doubt any President would risk impeachment just to get a bill through.

What I do have a problem with is that Dade Pendwyn waited till after Jbdivinus and I released BOTH of our articles to publish an overview on the whole matter. Even when Newfoundland was in foreign control, he said NOTHING!

Besides that, I hold nothing against Dade, he did what he had to do, but now that he sees the strong public support for this decision, I hope he tries to rework the deal with the Polish.

What We Could Do With 3000G/Month:
We could give 100 Canadians access to Caesar EVERYDAY.
We could have an extra 43 000 Q1 Guns per month enough to supply free Q1 guns to 287 Canadians everyday, the size of our highly active population.
We could drop our income taxes to 1% putting more money into Canadians pockets.
We could give 150 Canadians every month enough money to create a Q1 Company.