Facts About Zombies: Why You Should Be One Of Us

Day 1,249, 10:27 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

Looking for a party? JOIN the Philippine Zombie Party today!

Why, you ask? Well, because...

FACT: Zombies are cute:

And cudly:

FACT: Zombies are hot:

FACT: Zombies are great entertainers:

Oops. Wrong pic. I meant this one:

FACT: Young kids like zombies:

FACT: Zombies are good dressers:

FACT: Zombies are buff and athletic:

FACT: Zombies have mastered flight:

FACT: You don't really have any choice. Pretty soon, you're gonna be one:

So stop delaying the inevitable and JOIN the Philippine Zombie Party today!

Joining is as easy as clicking a button (or two), and undergoing a relatively safe procedure called "death by zombie horde attack and 'turning' a few moments later".

Be sure to subscribe to this paper (as well as this one) to receive the latest updates from the PZP.
April 23, 2011