Faces Of Austria - Pictures of our citizens Nr. 2

Day 874, 10:48 Published in Austria Austria by PrinceOfAustria

Lieber Leser,

die gestrige Ausgabe meiner Zeitung war ein Erfolg, 42 Votes ist für unser kleines Land nicht schlecht.
Vor allem aber war die Premiere der Serie „Faces of eAustria“ ein Erfolg, weil ich einige weitere Bilder erhalten habe, so viele dass ich heute wieder eine Ausgabe mit weiteren 5 Gesichtern eÖsterreichs präsentieren kann.
Ich hoffe die Serie bleibt weiterhin so erfolgreich, eventuell würde ich sie gerne regelmäßig herausgeben, also brauch ich eure Einsendungen! Ladet euer Bild hoch (am best auf www.tinypic.com und schickt es mir (klickt hier Wichtig: ich brauche die Adresse des Bildes, nicht der Seite (rechtsklick > Grafikadresse kopieren)).
Achja, bitte voted, abonniert, und kommentiert 🙂

Schönen Abend noch,

This is SPAustria

PS: Empfohlene Lektüre: Teh Famzay's lolpics


Dear readers,

yesterday's issue was a success, 42 votes is not bad for our small country.
What made the premier of the series „Faces of eAustria“ particularely successful was the number of transmittals, i got enough pictures to present you right now a new issue containing 5 faces of eAustria.
I hope the series will keep running that good, i would like to release it on a regular basis, so I need your transmittals!
Note: I'm also glad to receive „foreign“ pictures, which i will present in a seperate issue.
Upload your picture (preferably on www.tinypic.com and send it to me (click here Important; I need the link of the image, not of the page (right click > copy image adress)).
Oh right, please vote & sub & comment 🙂


This is SPAustria

PS: Recommended rea😛 Teh Famzay's lolpics


Here you go...
Important! Trolling prohibited, I'll report all insulting comments 🙂

To start with, a person who technically no longer is eAustrian citizen, but since he was the „first“ of them for a few weeks, i think we can show his pic here 😛 This is our former president, bobbySAURON apparently plotting an evil plan ;3

He was one of the first RL austrians in eAustria, many of you may know his pic but anyways, this is Wilhelm von Germania

The next picture even features 3 of our citizens; Bobbie von Pohl, Baron von Pohl and
Jennifer von Pohl (f.l.t.r):

Number four in this issue is Tharion:

And yes, this time we've got a fifth picture.
The person also is not an eAustrian citizen, but „austrian at heart“.
Also, i wanted to close this issue with another hot girl, so here comes Judean Princess

A big thanks to everyone who sent in their pictures 🙂
