Facepalm! Diplomatic/Warfare speculation!

Day 1,717, 05:30 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Tom Falco

Ok so its obvious that USA and Canada is fighting, USA seemed to be winning but Canada seems to have comeback (fair enough)!
Now I have no idea i've I've understood this right but I saw on a forum post that apparently that USA have left our alliance (ONE?) or might be leaving ONE. Also Poland was invited to join the new alliance (with USA) but refused because they wanted (i think it was Serbia) another ally to join too.
IF this is true, then is it me or have we lost a major ally [USA] and is Poland still true to us or a 'distant' ally?
Anyway, skip forward today and I've found another comment suggesting that USA or Canada might try to invade us. Now if I'm honest, I could beleive the alliance but the invasion - really? Canada maybe but I can't see USA attacking us.
But can anyone confirm this speculation?

Also, the current situation with Ireland. Well, when I joined, we had a peace treay - I've since found out it was formed in March (I hope I've got that right) but has now officially ended because of the resistance wars in Scotland. Now I admit, and I probably shouldn't be making these kind of decisions so quick after joining but I agree with the retaking of Scotland - it's part of our mainland, its like the Northern Ireland to Ireland.
I have also written an article of where else I think we should invade, but I'm not getting involved politically so it's just an idea at the moment, hopefully one day I can make it real. But most importantly I want to find out if people agree with it or not so go take a look and comment/vote.
