Facebook hates Ajay Bruno

Day 661, 18:15 Published in USA USA by vSkyzv

True story.

*Public IRC channel: #usa-chat

Ajay: yo I just got banned from Facebook for
Ajay: it must be the 10th time
Ajay: losing track though
Ajay is cgiirc@sab.here * http://www.mibbit.com
Ajay on #usa-chat ~#BrunoCampaign
Ajay using *.rizon.net Where are you?
Ajay has identified for this nick
Ajay End of /WHOIS list.
Ajay: this time I think I lasted about 4 months
* Derek_Apollyon|Not_Here (~h4x0r@Rizon-C66386FE.bmts.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Ajay: one of my longer runs
BuckRodger: i don't usualyl hear about bans from fb
vaclav`: why are you banned
Ajay: Apparently I sent unsolicited e-mails that people reported
Ajay: other times I sent too many messages
Ajay: or friend requests
yonsil: LOL
BuckRodger: don't spam man
Ajay: and went over the rate limit