Face it Plato!

Day 1,161, 14:46 Published in Hungary Hungary by Quicksilver's Ghost
Face it Plato: if you play the game, you face criticism, just like any of us!

You take part in the game, you are in the congress, you propose MPP-s and vote them, you give citizenships for others, you work, train, fight and manage your companies... you are a player in the game. Whatever we might write about you, your actions is about gameplay. It is not illegal debate. Illegal debate is defined as contesting admins' decisions. When people write about a Saudi congressman, a Saudi company manager, a Saudi party-leader, they do not contest admins' decisions. They write and judge what a player does in the game. It is perfectly legal, and not against any laws of eRepublik to write about a Saudi congressman or whom he gives citizenships. It is important ingame information.

It is what Nalaja wrote about:

Plato is the President of Saudi-Romania (locked thread)

and again:

Plato is the President of Saudi Romania (new thread)

And because you tried to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it, now, everyone writes about it.

And everyone is perfectly legal in writing about it.

Face it Plato, the player: you failed big time.


Gyakorlatilag arról van szó, hogy amíg Plato játékosként viselkedik, congressmen, törvényt ad be, megszavazza, ÁP-t osztogat, pártelnök, cégvezető - addig nem vonatkozik ránk az a szabály ami tiltja az adminok döntéseinek kritizálását nyilvánosan. Hiszen nem az admint, hanem a játékost kritizáljuk, a játékban elkövetett cselekedeteit. És Nalaja cikke pontosan erről szólt, hogy kinek ad ÁP-t, kit vesz fel a kongresszusba, stb, azaz teljesen legális volt. Hiába törölték, hiába lett az első fórumos topic lezárva, ez a cikk akkor sem volt illegal debate.

Plato úgy akart tüzet oltani, hogy olajat öntött rá.... így most már mindenki róla ír. 🙂

