Extra! Extra! Read All About it!

Day 551, 16:34 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hello fellow Singaporeans. Just wanted to remind you to vote in the upcoming elections for congress. As you all probably know I am in the Nationalist Party. We as a party are working hard to strengthen the country of Singapore. Our current country President John Jay is not only a member of the Nationalist party but he is also the Party President. We have great candidates and I encourage you to vote for them.

1. navy II

2. Flaco Jimenez

3. Ban-Ki

4. Rapid320

5. Dubthaigh

6. Whispering Elizabeth

7. Potens

8. Vernon Ng

You may notice my name is on the list but this isn't a plug for myself. I believe in what my party stands for and I know that we are the best people for congress.

So when you hit the polls on May 25th remember that a vote for the Nationalist Party is a vote for a stronger Singapore.