EXTRA EXTRA ::::: MEK DAY 2016 :::::

Day 3,066, 02:10 Published in Serbia Portugal by Pisco Soares
One hell of Success!!!!!!

We deployed a 24 hours war and, with the help of our friends, we made it!
Again MEK makes history!

We had several targets on the map, but all came to release an India's region from FYROM.

It was an extraordinary battle!
FYROM and his friends prooved their value in battle.

But MEK's gang simply won it!

We had an huge help on Div3 from our friend and all our enemies that decided to profit with our COs.

With this we have the final proof that eRep is now ruled by CCs.

As result of this huge Campaign, the Damage TOP 7

7th one is a MEK D1!!!


One final word to our Commander in the majority of time of this battle.

We couldn't have done it without your leadership.

Pisco Soares
a proud leader of MEK

PS. This is the first article...