Exposed - corruption in state companies

Day 785, 05:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Libertarian Party Organisation

From New Liberty, now publishing articles with words in!

A source close to the Libertarian Party has provided some interesting reading, derived from overheard conversation on the IRC channel on the subject of State Company work, which New Liberty feels it must publish in the interest of openess and necessary oversight. Whilst we feel this information must be released to the public, we do not wish to take part in futile party arguments unless absolutely necessary, so the names in the following text have been changed - let it alone be said that both are high level citizens of the United Netherlands.

{12:18} (A) Any1 here who has a job offer for a lvl 6+ Manu??
{12:18} (😎 sure
{12:18} (😎 take one at UNL Moving
{12:18} (😎 i will raise your salary
{12:19} (A) Ty (😎!
{12:19} (A) Applied 😛
{12:19} (A) can u raise me? 😛
{12:19} (A) (salery that is 😛)
{12:20} (😎 19 ok?
{12:20} (😎 i will make it 20
{12:22} (😎 ok i am heading out
{12:22} (😎 cya tomorrow

What is the purpose of the state companies? Is it to fund the government of the UNL, to train citizens in need of assistance, or to line the pockets of the rich and powerful? Members of this party and many other citizens of the UNL have had to entirely retrain, at their own expense, in order to make a decent wage whilst high level oligarchs use the state companies to unfair advantage!

New Liberty puts it to you, common citizen, that these are your jobs and your rightful opportunities that are being traded unfairly between high level players. There is a place for preferential treatment in our thriving private sector, but in the public companies, the principle must be equality of opportunity for all, with no place for what some would term governmental corruption.