Exporting -- A Guide for Business Owners

Day 113, 13:45 Published in USA USA by Nave Saikiliah

Uncle Sam (the citizen, not the American symbol) just wrote an article about exporting. I think now is a good time to let everyone know one of the projects I have been working on.

I developed an application that will help determine what countries will yield the highest profits for exporting. It would be easier to just hand out the application, but I fear that other nations might use it -- it could potentially be very valuable.

Anyway, if any business owner wants help figuring out the best place to export to (it's a very important decision), you must send me the following information:

1. The potential countries you are considering buying an export license to, their import taxes and VAT taxes.

2. The lowest exchange rates (Gold/Currency, Currency/Gold) for those countries.

3. The industry your company belongs to and the quality level of your goods.

4. The cheapest market prices for Q1, Q2, and Q3 goods in that nation (Go to Economy, the nation, [economy again], Marketplace, Industry for that).

5. How much you sell for in America and how much of a profit you make.

In return, I will send you an analysis of each market. The information includes the gold/sale, USD/sale, price range of goods (to remain profitable), risk factor, etc.