Experience Point Race - Week Five

Day 5,585, 04:04 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Experience Level Racing is known as the Thinking Man's Competition, up there in the monied sporting world of polo, yacht racing, equestrian competitions, and hot air balloon racing. It takes big money to engage in these activities and Experience Level Racing is no exception. Tens of thousands of Satochi have been spent on gaining Experience Points, perhaps even 100s of thousands, just for a simple pack that is gone in a month.

When one elects to enter the high stakes world of Experience level racing, a new section of eRepublik Gold Store opens up. While the first rule of Experience Level Racing is to not talk about Experience Level Racing, let's peel back the curtain a wee bit:

Screen cap of hidden Experience Race Tab

As one can see, its not a sport for the cheap eCitizen. And that Nibble has to be paid for in actual Italian Lira. Good luck finding that! (hint: ask the other members of the Illuminati where it is. Code words "Italian Lira, Best Lira")
And really, if one has to ask how many Experience Points are in the shed, one simply can't afford the race.

A typical Experience Level Racer

Not an Experience Level Racer

Two free-spending chaps have engaged the gentlemanly art of the Experience Level Race
TemujinBC - Likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain
Wilhem Klink - not into health-food, is into champagne

The winner is the first to add 100 experience levels to their profile. Said winner gets to lord it over the loser, confident in their superiority as evidenced in a pointless 15-year old browser-based game that repeats the same "Challenges" over & over. And repeats the same "Challenges" over & over. And repeats the same...wait.
And loser has to donate 100,000cc for enhanced payouts to the Hot Air Program (a program the entirety of eCanada loves - even those not into Pina Coladas).

The Starting point of this dandy event

After five sublime, gin filled weeks

The chart for your polo horse

Tem adds 3, Klink adds 4 and increases the lead to 5 levels

A running graph since the start

The mood of the racers via the sport of polo



I'm heading to the beach house with Mrs Klink next weekend. Unless the bay is too choppy, we'll take the yacht out for a picnic luncheon, maybe catch some pre-season polo (although the pitch is usually gastly this early) so its unlikely an article gets done for week 6. But there's plenty of racing left. I mean plenty, chaps.