Experience Level Race - Week Four

Day 5,578, 03:53 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Experience Level Racing is a brutal, underground sport banned many eRepublik countries such as:
and nearly all of the countries in Africa (outside of Egypt, Nigeria & South Africa).
All eCitizens of those countries can not even accumulate Experience Points, lest a race break out. Government elites ruining the game!

Experience Level Racing is a sport of violence, exclusion, and degradation.

Famed Experience Point Racer Patches O’Houlihan gives us the Five C's of Experience Level Racing

Golly, thanks Patches!

Into that bloodsport arena stride two daring, if foolish, competitors. Two players enter. One Player leaves.

TemujinBC - the bane of dinosaurs, living and dead (and fiberglass)
Wilhem Klink - the Iron Eagle, no one ever escapes (as long as one defines "escapes" in a certain, very limited, way)

The winner is the first to add 100 experience levels to their profile. Said winner gets to lord it over the loser, confident in their superiority as evidenced in a pointless 15-year old browser-based game that some players role play juuuust a little too seriously. Calm down there Sparky, its just a game.
And loser has to donate 100,000cc (or 50 bajillion Satochi) for enhanced payouts to the Hot Air Program (a program the entirety of eCanada loves - and rightly so).

The Starting point of this no holds barred free-for-all

After four tortuous weeks

The chart for the visual among you

The racers each add four levels and remain separated by 4 levels.

Let's do a Galaxy Quest check of the racers



By Grabthar's Hammer ... there's still plenty of racing action left, my fellow Questerians.

Anything could happen. We've polled several prediction websites for their take on the Race. Once we explained what eRepublik was and after the laughter died down, an unpaid intern was tasked with running the prediction algorithm (despite claims of "never having done this" and "I just came in to use the restroom") and presented the following precision prediction chart

Margin of error is +- 50 levels. It looks like we're in for a wild ride! Tem is predicted to take a huge lead into week 5, and then inexplicably lose all his points and even go into the negative before rallying and gaining 80 Experience Levels in the last week but ultimately coming up short. Its a bold strategy. You can't make this stuff up.

Check in next week (or whenever I feel like it) for more race action.