Exp İçin MV Olmak İsteyenler

Day 1,100, 08:04 Published in Turkey Turkey by WisEaglE

Exp için mv olmak isteyen arkadaşlara üzülerek şunu belirtmek istiyorum ki artık yasa oyladığınızda exp almayacaksınız. Adminden gelen mesaj:

Honorable Congress Member,

We are writing this message in order to let you know that we have removed the experience points Congress Members receive when voting laws for their country.

This change was required because our data shows that some Congress Members are abusing this system to get the reward. We strongly consider that the only purpose of the Country Administration module is to administne
administrate the country in the best interest of your fellow citizens.

The experience points gained until now will not be affected.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Your eRepublik team

Özet: MV yasaları oyladıklarında gelen exp kaldırılmıştır.

Saygılarımla WisEaglE