Exclusive ! TERRA's new name and logo !

Day 1,682, 19:46 Published in USA France by Torfyn

Version française : Pas de version français pour cet article, mis à part pour l'article de guest. Pour me faire pardonner, voici une girafe américaine o/

Now that we're between English-talking people, that's gonna be way easier.
You're maybe wondering what this article is about, so I'll explain you.

A few days ago, Circle of Truth, or CoT, revealed itself to the eWorld. Just look at their logo, and read that name.

My reaction when reading the article

But then I thought that it wasn't so bad after all. I mean, Bulgaria did convince other countries to be ridiculous with them, right ? What if that ludicrous name and that farcical logo was the real strength of this alliance ?
What if, we, Terrans, were losing against ONE and their dogs EPIC fail, ABC and CoT because the name of our alliance and our logo wasn't ridiculous enough ? This is not that I don't like our logo (though it's the logo of GDI and mine is NOD's) or our name (though I play Protoss, not Terran), but what if we changed our name and logo ?

I launched a contest in eFrench community, asking for the most ludicrous alliance logo and name ever. Those are the results of this contest.

I told the candidates to make a better logo than CoT's, and this is what they gave me.

Number 3 : Basile de Clair

A simple but yet elegant logo, a witty pun. With that, we can certainly push Poland out of France.

Number 2 : Alfindel

Though this is the ugliest of the applications, it has a deep meaning given by its author :
"Flags of member countries are placed side by side under the logo to represent submission to the alliance, whose interest goes before the countries themselves.
Linked circles may also signify the interdependence of each member, our destinies are linked to the same truth !
Round or rounded forms are present everywhere, even in the smartly chosen font, it represents infinity and regularity.
The logo itself (without the name or flags) resembles a head, and that's cool.
The oval shape also recalls the rugby, we're gonna pwned the English in the next tournament! \o/"

With such an alliance symbole, we can at least kick Poland out of Germany !

But the two abose, even if they were cool, couldn't match the awesomeness of Terra's next logo and name. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the number ONE...


Because rainbow. That's why.

I'm glad to announce you that within a week, Terra will be known as Prism of Harmony and thus be awesome enough to wipe Poland permanently.

HAIL PoH ! o7

On a more serious touch, I asked Leuch to write a paragraph about his shout "RIP TERRA", and here's his answer :

"Some of you may have read in one of my shouts "RIP TERRA", here's the reason of it.
I think that since the beginning, TERRA has gotten off on the wrong foot. In my opinion, there's no place for several alliances in eRepublik, which promotes bipolar conflicts. TERRA has always been the 5th wheel.
Besides, it has often been spoken of TEDEN vs. ONE...
This alliance, at first called PANAM, then TERRA, has always had difficulties to create a feeling of affection and attachment among its members. We could almost count the "HAIL TERRA" shouts on the fingers of one hand.
Papers of the alliance never truly worked and communication inside TERRA has always been middling. From there, it was difficult to go forward ; however, nice victories has been achieved with the help of EDEN.
Alternately, some countries joined then left the alliance, Turkey, Russia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Japan... and lately one of the mainstay of this alliance, Brazil.
With Brazil becoming independant, the alliance lost a lot of its military potential. No joining, a weakened strike force, what could possibly make TERRA stand ?
Recent events show us that "almost nothing" is the answer.
In front of Polish's attack on USA's original territories, the latter has chosen to negociate rubber regions of France, without telling the concerned country ! What kind of ally sells his brother in arms for its personal interest ?
Apparently, the USA.
I hope that this treason won't remain without consequences and that French's leaders will take responsibility vis-à-vis of the alliance.
To conclude, this reconciliation between the USA and Poland lead to rumors about the creation of a new alliance ; we'll see that clearer in the future.
One thing is certain : for me, TERRA is dead."

Version Française :
"Certains d'entre vous ont pu lire dans l'un de mes shouts "RIP TERRA", en voici la raison.
Je pense que dès le départ, TERRA est partie sur de mauvaises bases. D'après moi, il n'y a pas de places pour plusieurs alliances dans eRepublik qui favorise les conflits bipolaires. TERRA a toujours été la 5ème roue du carrosse.
On a d'ailleurs souvent parlé de TEDEN contre ONE...
Cette alliance, d'abord appelée PANAM puis devenue TERRA, a toujours eu du mal à créer chez ses membres un sentiment d'affection et d'attachement. On pourrait presque compter les shouts "HAIL TERRA" sur les doigts d'une main.
Les articles de l'alliance n'ont jamais vraiment fonctionné et la communication de TERRA a toujours été plus que moyenne. Partant de là, il était difficile d'avancer, néanmoins de belles victoires ont été écrites avec l'aide d'EDEN.
Tour à tour, certains pays sont entrés puis sortis de l'alliance, la Turquie, le Royaume-Uni, le Portugal, le Japon... et dernièrement l'un des piliers de cette alliance, le Brésil.
Avec cette prise d'indépendance Brésilienne, l'alliance perdait également beaucoup son potentiel militaire. Pas d'adhésion, une force de frappe affaiblie, qu'est ce qui pouvait bien faire tenir Terra debout ?
Les récents événements nous montrent que "pas grand chose" est la réponse.
Devant l'attaque des Polonais sur les territoires originels des USA, ces derniers ont décidés de négocier les 2 régions rubber de la France, sans en avertir le pays concerné ! Quel genre d'allié vends son frère d'arme pour son intérêt personnel ?
Apparemment les USA.
J'espère que cette trahison ne restera pas sans conséquence et que les dirigeants Français sauront prendre leur responsabilité vis à vis de l'alliance.
Pour conclure, ce rapprochement entre les USA et la Pologne laissent également place à des rumeurs de création d'une nouvelle alliance ; l'avenir nous permettra d'y voir plus clair.
Une chose est sûre : pour moi, TERRA is dead."

I know that some of you might have lost their smiles after reading Leuch's paragraph (well, for the ones who read it), but don't worry : TERRA is dead, but Prism of Harmony will glow brighter than anything !

Don't miss Leuch's new paper about how the French government tried to dictate us the treaty, and the reaction of French people 😉

Thus far, keep fighting and don't forget :
One goal, one purpose : the technology of peace !

Exclusive, Terra's new name ! http://shar.as/PpKSk
Hail PoH o7

Chain shout !