Exclusive!!!Second part of Desertfalcon Presidential Campaign Interview

Day 411, 10:04 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

As the the presidential election draws closer the Federalist Paper has managed to snag an interview with the eRepublican candidate for president. I asked Desertfalcon a series of questions. Three questions were personality questions because I fell it is important that we know who may receive our vote. The final three were policy and platform questions. This is the second part of the interview and. It contains four of the questions I asked him. It is my intention with this interview to open up discussion and debate. I am not concerned with the interests of any particular candidate. I hope simply to better educate you about one of your options for president so that you can make a more informed choice. I asked he answered, there has been no doctoring of any of the contents to give benefit to either I or him. Please read, vote and subscribe. Thank you!!!

Question: A Vice-Presidential choice often reveals a lot about a candidate. What do you think your choice of Moishe symbolizes to those who might consider voting for you?

I picked Moishe not only because he was experienced when it came to leading people in the military but because he was active and I wanted someone who would not be afraid to disagree with me. Moishe and I differ on a few different topics but we still are able to work well together. I did not want to pick someone who would just agree with me on everything and just surround myself with yes men. Moishe offers a view in my cabinet that is different then my own and this helps me out in the sense that he will be able to point out flaws and weaknesses in my ideas and offer the insight to help me improve and strengthen them. I have come under fire from some anti-uswp people who claim that my selection of Moishe was a bad choice but in Moishe's defense he is not a very hard core party line USWP member, he is in no way a zombie at the hands of the USWP leadership and his freethinking will be a valuable asset to my cabinet.

Question: What most excites you about the possibility of being President? If you do become President what part of the job do you think you'll most enjoy?

Really there is no one thing that stands out to me as being the best part of the job right away. It would be an honor to be elected president and I would be honored to get to do any of the president's jobs. I guess the part I would enjoy most would be working more with other president's in solving the situation in South America. I have a lot of experience in foreign relations and the military however right now my opportunities to do those things are limited. If I am elected president that will change.

Question: A World War seems to be in our midst. Up to this point the U.S. and Atlantis our not fairing for the better. What proposals might you consider to reform and reshape U.S. military and alliance procedures? Would you be willing to talk peace with PEACE if they came to the table?

Well with the new ceasefire in Argentina things are starting to calm down. I think Atlantis needs a serious overhaul. Leaders don't communicate enough and countries just start to act on their own. America is getting walked on all over in Atlantis since we play by the rules and seek other nations opinions on our intentions before we act. With the disastrous lack of communication in France and with Romania just going off to war with Russia we really need to take a look at the structure of this alliance.

Question: Are there any trump cards you are holding up your sleeves policy wise? Any new ideas you want to implement that you would like to reveal now to the readers?

Not really, I got another campaign article left in me but not much other then that. I will let you know if something comes up.

Well that's all best of Luck to all the Candidates and I hope everyone votes tomorrow!