Exclusive Report: Standard of Living

Day 405, 17:36 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Listhp Tomptos

I was wondering recently which country is the best place to go if you want to increase your wellness (cheapest food). So today I looked through a bit of economic data and rankings and food prices and I have come up with the top three countries for certain food qualities and an approximate percentage of average daily income it takes to buy them:

Quality 2 foo😛 1st: UK36%
2n😛 Finland38%
3r😛 Spain44%
Quality 3 foo😛 1st: Spain50%
2n😛 Italy58%
3r😛 Iran59%
Quality 5 food 1st: Spain67%
2n😛 Iran93%
3r😛 Finland120%

But what was most revealing was the amounts taken to buy quality 5 food in other countries:
UK 640%
Indonesia 300%
Norway 320%
US 280%
This shows that in many countries you have to work 3-6 days to afford one quality 5 food. My recommendation is that you take advantage of the strong GBP and go to the monetary markets and exchange it for Spanish, Iranian or Finnish money and buy food from their markets. Or maybe even take a vacation in these countries if you can afford the tickets because it is a lot cheaper than staying here in the UK. But keep in mind the figures I have found are only for the top 10 countries in amount of experience points in other smaller countries you may find even better bargains.