Exclusive Interviews with NW Congressmen

Day 720, 20:13 Published in United Kingdom New Zealand by Daniel De Vito

The Snooper has had the pleasure of a brief interview with each of our current serving congressmen. Your correspondent sent the elected representatives of the North West a list of fairly open ended questions. Having collated and analysed the results and concocted some half arsed opinions the Snooper would now like to share these.

Q1 What have they done so far in their term?
“So far in this Congress Term, I have taken a very active role on IRC and on the UK Forums - racking up 150 posts.
Half way in it is always very hard to point to specific achievements as a "new" congressman, those come from Government roles which are only handed out 2 weeks into the Congress term. I have just started work as UK Ambassador to Japan and North Korea.”

This is a fairly broad list of achievements although The Snooper notes that Goku makes no reference to his motion to impeach Mr Woldy.

James Glover
“We all have helped to restart the NW council and im Welcomes so i PM people about joining the forums!
So far going well!” The Snooper notes that James has shared his achievements with his colleagues which is laudable. Perhaps more could be expected of one of our congressmen, but James does seem to be genuine in encouraging people to be more involved in the eUK and their region in particular and that has to be a good thing.

“So far I have opened up a "who are you supporting" thread, opened up the eNW regional council and assigned positions, posted way too many times on the forums, opened up discussion on how to create money from the council along with getting IRC (occasionaly) and voting on HoC proposals.” This seems to be a decent list of achievements.

The conclusion from this section is that we have three active congressmen who are all commited to connecting with the populace via the forums.

Q2 What do they still want to achieve?

“In the next few weeks I would like to get some more forum games going, open up an income for the council to use and using that income, open up a gifting scheme.”

The Snooper approves wholeheartedly with the provision of an income stream and the establishment of a gifting scheme. It would however prefer to see our elected officials engaging in games only when their work is done.

James Glover
This question was not responded to. Using a combination of imagination, bull excrement and witchcraft the Snooper has concluded that James plans on carrying on doing what he is currently doing and thinks he is doing it well.

Goku Jones
“I hope to pick up a position in a Ministry and I will be running for Party President of the RFA. By the end of the term in another two weeks time I will have a specific list of accomplishments which I hope to share” Goku clearly has high political ambitions. The Snooper’s view is that the higher and more involved a NW politician of any alignment is involved within the government the better.

The conclusion from this section is that Snoper considers the role of congressman should be that of a bridge between the ordinary member of the public and our government. There clearly has to be a balance between personal political aspirations, government work and community involvement.

Q3 What are your opinions on your fellow congressmen?

James Glover
This question was not responded to.

Goku Jones
“I have not seen the other North West congressmen all that much in the Congress and Politics forums, especially our "activity champion" Davott who is enjoying his Congress 5 Gold in AFKland 🙂 I urge them to take a more active role contributing to the UK, rather than messing around with "Region Wars" and "Word Games".”

James Glover - I have been much more impressed with this guy this term. He has been posting regularly, opened up some thread in the forums and taken part in discussions. I haven't seen him on IRC yet though, however thats probably because our times don't meet 😛
Goku Jones - I always thought Shadow was a butt. The revelation is that shadow really is a butt while goku is that thing between the two cheeks. Vote goku for bitching, moaning, untrustworthiness and half-arsedness.

Again the conclusion is that there has to be a balance between political activity and community involvement. Clearly our Congressmen do not all share an effective working relationship. For the good of the NW and eUK our elected officials need to work with one another. The Snooper could not give a f*** whether our congressmen like one another. It does however care that a good idea or positive initiative could fail because of personal issues.

Q4 Favourite Mammal

Goku Jones
This question was not responded to.

“Finally, my favourite mammal is humans. Simply because of the female sex...”

James Glover
“Fox – Cunning and cool”

The Snooper isn’t too sure what to conclude from this question.

The Snooper would like to conclude by thanking each and every congressman for their time.