Exclusive Interview with Claire Littleton

Day 568, 18:00 Published in USA USA by Miche Llorens


1) Interview
2)Your Coffee Break News
3)Word of the Day
4)Hope for Today
5)Wise Quotes
6)Leadership Quotes
7)Verse of the Day

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I decided to bring something special to all of you today, and that is an exclusive interview in fact my first interview that I ever publish with Claire Littleton congresswomen of the State of New Jersey and the Press Director for "A Little Claire-ification". I hope you all enjoy the Interview.


--So Claire, you are the former Press Sec., is there something else, besides what you have published in your newspaper, that made you decide to quit?

1) Anyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty straight forward with my articles. The reasons I stated in my paper/the Press Paper were the reasons why I decided to step aside and let Mjdiv take over. I didn't like the propaganda that the Scrab Administration had me pumping out. I also didn't like the fact I had to lie about certain things when my main goal in government is transparency. One other reason I left is because people were starting to not trust me because I was the writer... I didn't like that. My reputation is based on trust and action... so I did what I had to do, which was distance myself from the Scrab administration. I think Mjdiv is doing a wonderful job with what I created and will continue to do so.

--You are a current Congresswomen representing the great state of New Jersey, what do you wish to recommend to those that one day wish to become Congressmen/women? What do you suggest that they focus on so they may make the eUSA a better country for all?

2) I suggest to anyone who runs for any office this: Make sure it's what you really want to do. If you want to be in the Military, then do that, but don't run for office. I don't like when Congresspeople quit to run off to battle. Also, if you win, be active! Read as much as you can on the forums! It seems daunting, but once you get in the swing of it, it's not that bad. Don't fall into inactivity because it will not only let the people who voted for you down, but if you are inactive, that will most likely ruin your future political career as well. The people like action and action makes the whole job that much more fun.

--This is probably one of the most sensitive questions that one could ask, but some people, even those from Congress, sometimes don't wish to answer. The question is what is your view of our current President and his Administration. Do you believe that he is doing an outstanding job or fatal job in making the eUSA a more secure and prosperous country?

3) Ah, as anyone knows, I am not a big supporter of Scrabman. Has he done a horrible job? No. Has he done an excellent job? No. He is a status quo president who doesn't do much to make us gain power nor lose it. We had a sad failed attempt in the war with Russia, but at least he took a chance. I think that a better president could have avoided that loss though. Scrab has given us War Games, but those are getting old as well. In this time of a failed ATLANTIS and an ever-growing PEACE, we need a president who can take action. We can't just sit back and watch PEACE continue to grow. I feel his domestic leadership is fine, but his foreign policy could use a LOT of work. Also, his government is just too large. He has more positions and more offices than any other president, many of which deal with foreign relations, but it seems like none of them are effective. I'm just glad that he is finally stepping down after this term. This country needs some change and we can't wait much longer for it.

--This is a question, which I myself have been waiting to have the honor to ask you in this interview. Will you one day in the future decided to run for President of the eUS?

4) I always get asked this. The question is, do I even want to run for President? The answer?... I don't know. I've been asked and pushed to run for the past two months, but I didn't feel as if I had enough experience. I do, however, feel that I could handle the job now. I have enough contacts in Government to have an all-star cabinet, I consider myself a good diplomatic figure when it comes to foreign relations and after being Acting Speaker of the House, running the LIB party for the past few weeks, 3 term Congresswoman, Press Secretary... I think I have the credentials. Thing is, I am running for PP of the LIBs in the coming week and I want to focus on that first. I would like to get the LIBs up and running and headed in the right direction. If and when I run... well, that's all in the air, but I would bet money that I will eventually.

--The current Political Party that you are in (the Libertarians) is know as one eUSA biggest party, but why did you choose them over the biggest one, the USWP?

5) I actually started out as a UIPer. I love the UIP and I still do, however, they are known for being a very passive party. I switched to the LIBs two months ago to run for New Jersey Congress because their numbers would give me the extra boost I needed to gain the seat over Lowell Kennedy. I could have switched back to the UIP, but I fell in love with the LIBs. They were a hurting party that needed some organization and some direction. I am a fixer, I like to fix things, so I stuck around and when the time came for someone to stand up and gear the LIBs in the right direction, I was there. In the past 2 weeks, I've managed to turn them around and make them active once again. We now have new forums, the IRC chat is back, a new successful paper that Top 5's it's articles and a schlep of young and active new party members who want to make government a better place. It is truly exciting to build a failing party back to a place where it is stable again. Now, I want to build it even further and I won't rest until the LIBs are the top party in the eUS!

--What would you like to say to those that just came to the eUSA? What do you suggest that they do to make the state they live in and their country a secure and amazing place to be?

6) I'd tell them to be as active as possible in everything they do. Don't just fall into the 2-clicking mentality because you will be lost in the shuffle. Even if you aren't high enough ranked to fight, vote or run for office, that doesn't mean you can't be active in the newspapers and make a name for yourself. Read, write and get your name out there because if you do all that legwork before you are able to run, when you do run you will have a leg up!

--During this elections that have just passed, what made you support the Presidential Candidate Kyle321n?

7) I supported Kyle321n because he was the best candidate we had the ability to back. He's very experienced and has been around the block a time or two... or 40. We needed change and Scrabman wasn't bring it. A new and fresh face in the WH would have stimulated the eUS in many ways. I think I answered why I supported Kyle in question 3.

--A recent report from the Official White House press release announces that Scrabman has an approving rate of 63%. Do think that this recent news puts to light that the president's career as President is at it's end right around the corner? Do you think that sooner or later a new leader will rise and replace Scrabman and his old administration?

😎 First of all, I don't trust any polls conducted in eRep. Their margin of error is enormous. To answer if I feel the Scrabman administration will end? Yes. He said he's not running again, so I feel next month we will see someone new in there and whoever that is will probably bring a whole new government with them. Is that a good or bad thing? Depends, I don't believe in fixing what's not broken. Some of this cabinet are good people and I hope they do get asked to come back, but there are many that I feel need to retire when the president does.

--Do you wish to give out a word of advice to all the eAmericans?

9) Yes, I do. Please, be active and get involved in any way you can! That is what makes the eUS pretty great! Read, write, work, vote, fight, run, train... do it all!


Well I hope all of you enjoy reading this Great and Amazing Exclusive Interview I had the honor to do, if you like it then I hope you tell others to subscribe to "Your Coffee Break" and that they also may enjoy it. Till next time.

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Your Coffee Break News-

Well I would like to hear everyone opinion on the "side dishes" I put in my articles, and that is if I should continue having the following:

-Word of the Day
-Hope for Today
-Wise Quotes
-Leadership Quotes
-Verse of the Day

I was thinking of just keeping the Wise Quote, Leadership Quotes and the verse of the day, but I hope to hear your opinion.

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Word of the Day-


1 : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames

*2 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior

Example Sentence:
The circus performers were easily identifiable by their flamboyant costumes and stage makeup.
Did you know?
If you've ever heard of a dessert served flambé, you already have some insight into the origins of today's word. "Flamboyant," which was borrowed into English from French in the 19th century, can be traced back to Old French "flambe," meaning "flame." In its earliest uses "flamboyant" referred to a style of architecture, often in the florid French Gothic style, which featured waving curves that suggested flames. Eventually, the word developed a more general second sense for anything eye-catching or showy. As you have no doubt guessed, Old French "flambe" is also the origin of the English adjective "flambé."

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Hope for Today-

We need to invest our talents wisely right now

If you have a desire to sing, join the choir. Don't sit around and wait for a major recording company to sign you up to some big deal. If you have a desire to teach or to minister, join the Children's Ministry. What better impact could you have than to teach children the goodness and faithfulness of God?

Our nine-year-old son, Jonathan, loves to go to Children's Church because of Mr. Ed. No, Mr. Ed is not a talking horse. He draws. He uses the gift that God has given him to draw Bible stories. No telling what doors God is going to open for Mr. Ed.

Use what God has given you; make the most of every opportunity. And remember, if God is placing an opportunity in your path, He's given you the ability to do it. No matter how big or how small your talent, if you'll be faithful and invest it for Him, God will bless and increase you.

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Wise Quotes-

The best view is always from the mountain you’ve climbed.

~ Grayson Perry

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Leadership Quotes-

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies.

~Noam Chomsky

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Verse of the Day-

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13

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Please subscribe to my Newsletter! 🙂 and tell other of "Yur Coffee Break". Have a great afternoon.

Mr. Michel Llorens
~Proud USWP Member
~Citizen of the eUSA
~Residence of the Great State of Florida
~Editor for Your Coffee Break