Exciting Day

Day 750, 16:30 Published in USA USA by Willinabox
Just kidding,
nothing has happened at all!

Except some alliances and peachy stuff.

Heres the low-down. We invaded Kyushu, Japan to help eIndia, the eUK invaded us, they took about 6 or so region, we thought we were gunna win the eJapan shit. Canada helped us with aree eUK bull****. We lost the eJapan fight, and started to get out the eUK. We got Massachusetts and Connecticut.. Lots of peace, peace in china-usa war, alliance proposed between Chile, Croatia, Poland, and Slovakia. Don't impeach Jewitt, if thats still going around. Live, laugh, and love. Peace out girlscouts.


Your friendly neighborhood citizen.

P.S. I appreciate the hard work you Brazilians put into that little thing down there, I am proud of you.

P.S.S. Go sub to this! ----> http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/win-10-gold--1073257/1/20