Excellence or Extinction?

Day 505, 03:41 Published in South Africa Brazil by South African Party

Steven Bosch wrote an informative article, New Citizen - Do you really want to hurt me?, a few days ago. We at the South African party, wholeheartedly agree with his plea to keep new players interested and boost activity levels.

His article also prompted us to do some more number-crunching and we foun😛

The dormant masses
Of the 973 citizens of South Africa at the time of writing, 47.4% have been inactive for at least the past 2 weeks. That means that almost half of all our citizens lost interest in the game. While we can accept that in a game like this, a lot of people will sign up, look around and decide that it is not for them, we should certainly do more to keep people interested once they have joined.

Here the new Mentoring program should be mentioned. The SAP endorses this initiative emphatically, and want to encourage you to sign up. By linking up with a mentor, a lot of the frustration of the first days is taken away, and your understanding and passion for the game is increased.

The disillusioned
What is very worrying, is that 21.9% of the inactive players were level 12 or higher. This translates to people who played for quite a while, before becoming disinterested. The implication is that we should try and do more to keep the game interesting for older players as well, as merely fighting, working and voting will get boring for many people.

I am not aware of any initiatives to address this latter issue, and would like to have your comments on what we can do in this regard.

The lazy
Of the active citizens, 52.7% did less than the minimum (work, train, eat) during the last 2 weeks.

People, you can do the eRepublik basics in less than 15 minutes daily. That's 1% of your day! Surely that's not too much to ask? Your country needs you to be active, healthy and strong to improve its standing in the world.

Much needs to be done, and every citizen's contribution is needed to make eSouth Africa the country it can be!