eWorld Warfare Report

Day 1,850, 11:25 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings bros, its been quite a while since I've written an article, my excuse of course is finals week.

Now that we have that out of the way lets get down to whats going on in the eWorld.

In south America the war between Argentina and Chile has seen a rather dramatic reversal from how it started. It wasn't all that long ago that Argentina occupied all of Chile's regions and saw Chile reorganizing itself in Australia. Since then however Argentina has lost some key MPP's while Chile has gained some and now the proverbial shoe is on the other foot.

The one battle you see raging is a Bolivian Resistance war, it will fail spectacularly

Chile currently has a 9/10 bonus, lacking only oil. They have managed this by holding onto the New Zealand region of Otago, thus connecting their Australian and South American territories.

The Taiwanese empire sits in ruins, overcome by Brazilian and American might.

I may be a little late covering this front but I'll try and give you a basic rundown anyway. For those of you that are not aware Brazil has been experiencing PTO troubles primarily from a group of Romanians. This made Brazil pretty POed because they feel the Romanian government has not done enough to try and call their people home. So while Brazil would have loved to have fought Romania directly they had to settle for the next best thing, an ally of Romania's. This put Taiwan in an unfortunate position as they felt the might of two of the top countries descend upon them because of something they have no control over. A peace deal is possible but Taiwan would likely lose their colonies in such a deal because apparently japan is a bro again.

The Middle East is a serious Cluster F**k right now

As you can see Poland has entered the fray, crossing through Ukraine to get to Turkey, their foothold in the middle east is small but the Poles don't give up too easily and could cause some serious wreckage if they are not expelled from the area immediately. Iran has used the Fact that Turkey is distracted by Bulgaria and Poland to regain most of their regions, and Greece is trying to reorganize and retool after their expulsion from their homeland.

1. Egyptian Resitance war in Sinai, somehow the Egyptians are holding onto a 23-10 lead right now.

2. Saudi Arabian Resistance war in Al Madinah. The Saudis are being clobbered 54-1.

3. Saudi Arabian Resistance war against Greece in the region of Jizan. The Saudis are losing 66-0

4. Iran is in the process of regaining one of their last regions still under Turkish control,Northwestern Iran . They are currently leading 50-5.

5. Saudi Arabian (what a busy bunch today) Resitance war against Israel in the region of Northern Borders. The Israelis are holding onto a 48-29 point lead.

Serbia is positioning itself to acquire the rubber bonus from France, giving them a 10/10 bonus. This will also give them a border with the United States, meaning that war could be coming. The United States current Domestic troubles may prevent it from showcasing its full strength but the possibility of total occupation by the Serbs is basically non-existent. The US just has way too many regions, especially when you consider the number of RW's Serbia has to deal with.

Asgard and ABC are in a relative stalemate. What a shocker.

Thats it for today folks, good luck with finals if your not done yet and make sure to have fun once you are.

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