eWorld economic crisis

Day 689, 07:37 Published in Italy Brazil by Fulvio Milocco

Hi dear citizens,

I'm a quiet big entrepreneur of erepublik. I am looking up this crisis and i think it's serius and a bit worrying

I think that entrepreneurs in this days / weeks might don't open new companiens since the populatian will support new one.

Many profiles are dieing and less people is buying food / gift / weaps ... etc.

I think the only way to get out of this crisis its to spend money, i think the states ( alliences ) have to start new wars -> + wars -> + weapons -> + iron -> + salaries -> + money to all citizens

just look at this charts...




so dear friends ... SPEND !!!

( i'm not saying this to have more income .... please believe me )
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please vote & subscribe for a serius information !
Fulvio Milocco