Evolution of a Logo

Day 709, 15:45 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

I'm sorry for the lack of updates thus far, but now that I have my Organic Chemistry, Physics I, and Calculus II exams over with, I have a bit more time. And right now, I want to focus on a topic that usually goes unnotice😛

A party's logo.

If you look around the political scene in eSA, you see several different logos representing each party. And obviously, each logo has a unique meaning according to those members. Some are blatant (here's looking at you Independent Alternative), while some are a little more mysterious.

So today, I would like to shed some light on the evolution of the logo of the Associates of General Wellness. So here. We. Go.

When Travis Granger first started the party he chose for the symbol to be the Yin-Yang.

He stated that it best represents the AGW since it "stands for exactly that. Balance. While the party can change and have all different types of ideas and issues, one thing should remain constant, the balance b/w those ideas, between the AGW interests inside the party and reflected by other parties. AGW should remain a constant of variables rather than just randomly point and click ideas."

The AGW went about under this logo until Travis left. That is when we decided on a new logo. I thought we should make the new logo a Phoenix, since we were rising out of the ashes of Travis' departure. iRoyal had the same thought, so he went about creating some variations, like:


Finally, we all decided that this Phoenix, combining the colors of eSA was the best choice:

Matt Beta also gave it a whirl, suggesting this idea:

Well, Travis eventually came back on the forum and wanted the logo to be changed back. We suggested the the Phoenix represented rebirth and a new identity. He said that sounded like we were showing weakness. Finally, I suggested that we compromise by putting the Yin-Yang in the center. It seemed like it would fit perfectly. Balance and Strength.

So these two were our final designs, the first by Matt Beta again, and the latter becoming our official logo by iRoyal:


which he states: "It's a bit cleaner than the other one with the black border going around each part of the phoenix."

Consensus was finally reached. This suited us perfectly. The whole process made me realize that the meaning of a logo is in the eye of the person looking at it, much like the interpretation of a poem. I don't think there's truly one good answer for what it means. You be the judge.
