Event over ! Let's share some toughts ! [RO/EN]

Day 3,127, 08:41 Published in Romania Romania by VampireA
[EN] So.. the event ( Resources war ) is over ( yea , I woke up a little late ..but was too lazy untill now ) and I would like to share a few opinions or ask a few question ( the main purpose of the article is comunications with others abot the last event ).

I will start with a few opinions for romanians and will write in the romanian language for starters ( I will come back to english later in the article ).[EN]

[RO] Dragi romani [RO]

Nu a scris nimeni nimic despre finalul eventului pana in acest moment ( sa ma corectati daca gresesc ) ..asa ca ma sacrific eu sa arunc cateva cuvinte.

In opinia mea a fost un event reusit pentru Romania .. se putea mai bine? ... normal ca da .. dar totusi am reusit sa aducem resurse foarte bune avand in vedere regulile turneului si pozitia geografica.

Pentru mine a fost o placere sa vad atatia oameni luptand in apropierea tokenurile ( multi la call .. unii pierduti care ne mai incurcau dar trebuia sa ne asteptam si la asemenea bizoni ) .. a fost pentru prima data dupa muuult timp cand am vazut peste 100 de oameni activi pe chaturile #Roarmy .. cand am vazut lumea luptand la GO si asteptand ordinele timp de o ora jumatate ( momentul in care ne adunam pana la obtinerea tokenului ).

Felicitari tuturor celor ce au organizat si au luptat atat pentru tokenurile noastre cat si in sabotarea altora !! ( nu pot uita cum am facut noi 2 epice la D3 ungurilor si le-am facut vant cand erau sa obtina resursa Very rare de la industria noua )

Ce am reusit sa obtinem : 4 resurse rare ( probabil singura de prin europa ce e reusit asa ceva ) , saltpeter , fier , oil ( pentru industria armelor ) si wolfram , titanium ( pentru industria noua ) + o resursa very rare Neodinyum obitnuta pentru Canada si inchiriata de noi + distractie , fun , nervi , agonie si extaz impartasite cu zeci de oameni pe canalele armatei romane.

Am reusit sa demonstram ca in momentul in care dorim ceva , putem obtine impreuna.

In incheierea acestui topic voi aduce si cateva critici :

1. Ne-am prins greu cum trebuie luptat pentru resurse in acest concurs .. iar inceputul lui ne-a prins cu foarte multe lupte ( dar asa au fost majoritatea tarilor ) .. dupa ce am vazut ca nu putem sa avem grija de ziduri in 6-7 lupte deodata am decis sa scadem numarul lor lucru ce a dus la obtinerea "mai usoara" a resurselor . ( sper ca cei din conducere sa nu se supere ... si eu am ajutat in calculul tokenurilor deci pot fi inclus .... dar asta este adevarul )

2. Din pacate au fost jucatori ce nu au avut ideea care este scopul acestui event .. i-am vazut luptand zilnic aiurea, ne-au incurcat la greu si chiar am pierdut 1 sau 2 tokenuri datorita unor destepti care ne-au intors zidurile cu bombe fix cu 1-2 min inainte cand deja nu mai aveam ce face ... probabil ei au crezut ca fac un bine dar repet , le-a fost prea lene sa inteleaga mecanica sau sa intre pe chat.

Consider ca am zis in mare parte ce era important asa ca vin cu intrebari pentru romani:

1. Cum vi s-a parut organizarea Romaniei , ce ati fi schimbat ?
2. Ce parere aveti despre resursele luate , ce ati fi luat si de ce ?
3. Ati participat la luptele pentur tokenuri ? Cum ?
4. Ati intrat pe chaturile #roarmy ? Cum a fost atmosfera , ce nu v-a placut ?

[RO] Over and out [RO]

[EN] Now let's talk with the rest of the world [EN]

I. Tokens and the war for resources

It was a pretty fair competition for all the countries ( in my opinion ) .. I mean that every country had the same chance for taking a resource despite it's strenght or number of players , battles .

I didn't really liked the geographic part ... I mean that some countries were really advantaged ( they didn't need to fight for the very rare and rare resources , that resources would have come naturaly because other countries couldn't set them ) by their geographic position or the huge number of regions.

The resources war was most intense in the Central Europe from what I have seen : Serbia, Hungary , Poland , Romania ,Bulgaria , Greece , Croatia.. all the big countries had really few chanches for the rare and very rare ... if one of the other neighbours would have taken the resource you knew you are blocked so you had to play it all on a single card , be good at math , be good at praying and go for it.

The few chanches of resources brought the sabotage ..wich was pretty interesting and fun... a few were big fails , a few were big successes ( Hun I really loved to make 2 D3 epics at once while stoping you in a resource .. it was fun ) .. a few really went furthermore .. remember Egypt and Latvia AS-ing each other after both missing a token.

Let's say per total I would give an 8 out of 10 for the mechanics .. probably they really wanted the European countries to fight hard after the tournament for the full bonus .

A few questions for foreign readers :

1. How was the organization in your country?
2. What was your favorite memory of the tournament?

II. Division changes

Yea .. that was crazy .. by destroying that damn building you had the chance to fight in wich division you want. It brought a lot of advantages to countries with strong D4 ... seeing you only needed a good D1/D2/D3 player with huge hit and the rest was the job of the D4 people.

Also it had a huge impact in the BH wars... lot of D1/D2/D3 players had huge battles with the people from D4 that came for a BH in a lower division seeing that in D4 the fight is intense and tha chances are low .

A few questions:

1. What was your tought about this change?
2. Should they continue with division changes in the mechanics of the game?

III. Medals : BH, FF ,TP , RH ;

Lot's of medals out there the last month .. I am a kind of a BH hunter so it was a dream ( but damn romanians wanted help so lost lots of EB for them ) and if I went only after BH medals I think that I could have taken 1000 at least seeing there were days with 200 battles.

I saw fight with no BH after 80-85 min ..I saw BH medals taken with 1 hit... so everyone had a chance , you just had to be active.

TP - everyone had fights .. I mean every country had non-sop fights so TP was there..you just had to take it.

RH - lots of training wars wich meant lots of succesfull rw.

People really had the chance to take medals , gold so there must be plenty of people with gold waiting for the new changes ..


1. How many medals you took ?
2. How many EB spent for the medals ?

IV. Changes after the event

We saw the latest updates , we saw a few of the latest changes..

There will be new resources in the world so the moment they will be available I think that big countries will start campaigns for the bonuses.. there will surely be lots of epic battles.

"Aviation will add a whole new dimension to the New World, allowing both new and old Citizens a chance to shine" - so that means a new division ? Probably they finally want to make something to keep new players in.

For the moment we are just waiting to see what the changes will bring, hopefully it will bring more dinamic to the game.


1. What is your opinion about the changes ?
2. What would you also bring ?

I think that kinda sums it up.

Thank you for the time spend to read my few words and I am really eager to see other opinions .

Best luck to everyone,