Evan Bayh (What a Shame)

Day 325, 14:08 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

I'm sure alot of you have been hearing about the Evan Bayh Scandal as I call it.
Evan Bayh has humiliated the AAP in almost everyway possible. He understands he has sealed his defeat with failer to answer to his crimes. But even as the hours grow small for time as Party President he finds a way to further drag the AAP threw the mud. He has changed the party name to something very offensive. He realeses press release after press release insulting entire groups of people including Jews, Gays, and African Americans. It is a sign that he accepts defeat to Citizen HEM. But for some members of the party it can never be the same party again.
I myself have already left the party to join the USGP or Green Party.
I new beggining is needed for some of us and I believe in The Green Party.
Congratulations Citizen HEM!