Evacuation to the Southern States

Day 602, 12:50 Published in USA Serbia by Foxdesetubal

Fierce battles are under way between Canada and France. PEACE armies are expected to enter into territory of New Hampshire, Main and Vermont in next days. In other fronts, Alaska is under pressure, and something is preparing from the territory of Mexico.

All American citizens should a.s.a.p move towards the southern states. First wave of PEACE armies is too strong. Instead you are spending your resources to defend border states, you should let them to enter to American territories where they can be easily surrounded and then beaten.

In short, move to the South... It will be intact by attacks. Defend land from Texas and Louisiana.

Chuck Norris would do that. 😛

For free Texas!

PS. PEACE is not your enemy. They just want to punish atrocities of American leadership, and they involving into wars in Europe and Asia. Once again, move to the Texas and Louisiana.