eUSA under PTO THREAT! Aeriala seeks POTUS

Day 1,488, 07:07 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl

If you have not heard yet then crawl out from underneith your rock! Ours Bro's and greatest Ally are under seriou PTO Threat!

Thats right eCanada the greatest failure of a CP of all time(yes William Duncan no longer holds that title) is now set her/his/it's sights on POTUS!

We as an ally and a bro must help save our bestest buddies from this threat! If this PTO threat were to be successful we are sure to see our bro's country reduced to nothing but a hand full of regions, a natural enemie and war with no point or chance of success and even worse than that nothing more than a pawn and a puppet to be used as this EPIC FAILURE sees fit!

I urge all eCanadians to stand up and take notice and save our bro's!! With your help we can stop this PTO threat and make sure our bro's don't end up with something like this!

Its your civic duty to Vote this article up to the international level so that all of eUSA's allies can come to her aid!

*POTUS- President of the United States