eUSA Military Restructuring; How to create a more engaged fighting force?

Day 513, 22:02 Published in USA USA by NXNW

To: All elected officials, active service members and eUSA citizens
From: NXNW, CEO of MArket Street Management & National Guardsman assigned to the 3rd Division
Date: 4/16/09, 930pm PST
Subject: eUSA Military Restructuring

The eUSA military is staffed by many people who generously give their time and energy in the service of their country. Their efforts have created a formidable fighting force. However, in the opinion of this author, the military would benefit from restructuring.

Currently the eUSA military is composed of 3 branches, the USMC, Army and National Guard. The suggestions in this memo are directed to the Army and National Guard. Combining these two organizations would eliminate parallel command structures and result in more effective communication.

The new combined Army would be comprised of "active" units comprised of veteran soldiers able and willing to deploy abroad on command as well as "reserve" units comprised of recruits and veteran players who are either unwilling or unable to deploy overseas. While I advocate for streamlining organizations on a macro level I believe that there is a need to create more, smaller units. This would create a need for more officers which is a good thing.

We all have RL commitments and being responsible for a smaller number of soldiers would allow commanders to better focus their energy. Small units of 4-6 players would also be able to more easily communicate, build esprit de corp and ultimately take ownership of their units. During the Civil War many units were named for a specific commander or region. Creating a setting where players can take a more active part, perhaps by "badging" their unit is a key aspect of my restructuring proposal. I know it would be a nano second before the service was replete with units named "The Purple Helmeted Warriors" but that would be half the fun and could result in more engaged, active players with higher strength and damage ratings.

A single QMG entity would in theory be more efficient but recent events have shown that a centralized QMG could be vulnerable to various types of security breaches. I therefore propose no changes to the QMG structure.

I've tried to avoid writing a text wall, I hope this article is brief enough to be easily readable but interesting enough to provoke thought. I appreciate any and all comments.