eUSA Government Financed Free Weapons

Day 825, 07:38 Published in USA USA by Bekarius

Hello dear Americans

As we all know that USA govt is financing Free Weapon distribution when important battles are up
usually i am donating them from 00:00 erep time till 10:00 erep time, it's night in USA timezone

now about this article, problem is that when we are giving out guns, activity is not very high. there are several reasons:
1. not everyone knows that we are giving out weapons
2. not everyone can sign to US forums (from work, mobiles and etc.)
3. not everyone is subbed to DOD newspaper

so here is my idea, i want to create ACTIVE Citizens list, who are requesting weapons every time, i will make database then and will offer to Govt to donate weapons before Fight to those active citizens without request
data will be tested during 3-4 battles, we can find through API every citizens Fight

and i need your help, Just post in comments answers to this questions

Remember You should have US citizenship

1. Are you requesting Free Guns from USA govt?
2. How many times have you done that?
3. Profile link
4. Strength
5. Rank

Note that this is not USA govt official statement, it's just personal initiative