eUSA Back On Track to Division, Internal Bickering

Day 698, 19:25 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

Good job against Texas OU!

Oh wait.


-Hari Michaelson

Destruction of Newfound Unity "Right on Track" Report Officials

The efforts of the eMerican public to revert back to a state of disunity and over-exaggerated bickering over trivial issues including taxes, hospital placement, and the usefulness of long-standing government programs, are "coming along as planned" researchers say.

The latest report comes out of the eMerican Center for Population Study, where a government-funded research group has been dilligently studying the effects of peace on the eMerican psyche. "We've already begun to see a crumbling of the 'all in this together' and 'trust our elected officials' ideals that dominated the eUSA less than a month ago" reported key sources within the group today. "Latest samplings from the eMerican media show a 56% increase in articles complaining about tax proposals, as well as a staggering 84% increase in articles demanding a minimum wage increase to provide protection for n00bs. And this is only in response to a 4% increase in food VAT! By our estimates the eUSA will be a hellish wasteland of know-nothing two-clickers, disillusioned beta giants, and roving groups of players arguing about real-life ideals."

"Also, vote out these liberals in Congress!" added the source, who proceeded to publish a 7 sentence article riddled with grammatical and spelling errors relaying his anti-left sentiments.

When asked about the group's findings, President Gaius Julius refused to touch on the issue, intead only mumbling something about "those goddamned idiots".

The Muckraker: Sub fgts.