eUSA and Why I am dissatisfied

Day 501, 16:30 Published in USA USA by Relorian

Honestly, I've just had a look at the recent tax changes and donations that have passed congress.

I am disappointed. As a nation we've donated alot of money to the new congress controled fund with out so much as a real word on what its going to be used for. True this fund was set up after Sam and his Mis-funding of Tanks for Profit but it should be just as accountable if not more so than the presidential funds/controled org's.

Our congress has voted NO on almost every tax change I've ever seen. Recent ones would have lowered the tax on gifts. Gifts are a vital part of Wellness and currently being Taxed heavily. With these taxes in place it keeps most citizens from giving mass numbers of gifts to each other. I think the current tax is 33% on sales, Plus VAT tax. (I could be wrong, Ive looked at alot of them)

I am disappointed in these current congressmen and women. They have shown no spine, no real care or understanding for the working class eCitizen. They have voted down every raise in New Citizen money and spew off propaganda about the "Meals on Wheels" program to ensure that the minimum wags is not raised to a respectful ammount (Currently 1 dollar, proposals would have brought it up from 1 to 1.29 or more).

Let me tell you members of congress or other lackeys of congress. When I started, I asked around about free food. I wasnt told crap, wasnt contacted by anyone from Meals on Wheels. Infact the first OFFICIAL contact I got was from the NG commander asking me to enlist. Where was the meals on Wheels contact? Where was any form of official contact? To date, I've yet to even see a meals on wheels delivery for anyone (I've gotten a few friends to join and have watched them grow, with out help of our "Programs")

So eUSA, I am disappointed in you. Congress, I am extremely disappointed. Scrabman, I am a little disappointed in you, though honestly with only 10 days, you couldnt do much.

What the eUSA needs to do to allow its citizens to prosper. Stop taxing vital things to death. Gifts, Weapons, Food... We need those you know and at 1 dollar a day or even 3 dollars a day can barely make it. The NG needs FUNDING. Sending masses of us to fight barehanded when others get weapons is crap and you all know it. The Army is in disarray and needs fixing and funding. The minimum wage needs to go UP and please dont post any bullshit about "Well we have programs to help" because I've yet to see those programs in action across 4 friends of mine and myself..

So heres the List.
1. National Guard Funding - WE should NOT be fighting bare handed if your taxing us this much

2. Meals on Wheels - I've yet to see it. Were it not for the friend who brought me here, Id have dropped wellness quickly.

3. Minimum Wage - Raise it. No one in real life works for 1 dollar execpt ILLEGALS. 5 dollars a day is NOT a huge ammount... and believe me, i saw someone put up a vote for 20+ a day.

4. Taxes - If you are going to screw us on the Minimum wage, Drop the taxes on items vital to leveling up and skilling up to be in the Army/NG. A 33% tax on gifts + VAT is horrid.

Honestly I doubt this article will change anything. Infact I bet it will get comments telling me how stupid I am or how I dont understand by some of the games more powerful users or people who could afford to buy gold and make it big. Frankly, I dont give a shit what those people have to say. They are part of the reason WE as citizens are suffering.

Our only chance for even partial change will be if John Jay gets elected. After talking with him, I feel he just might get it a little more than our current president or our former president, Uncle $am.

I along with others will be watching this election with baited breath. It can mean the difference between weither we stay here or move to other countries who actually give a shit about its people.

Please try not to disappoint me any further eUSA/Congress.