eUS National Primary: Save Croatia

Day 979, 19:25 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson


When a nation is wiped from the map in this game, it loses every open war and every mutual protection pact that it is. This can be a blessing on a curse; if it has a stack of MPPs opened against it, it means it can take on the enemy one-on-one in a reclamation campaign. Another thing to note in this game is the notion of citizenship; it is the power of a Congress to grant citizenship to people who move into its nation's regions and request to become a citizen of that country, allowing that person to vote and run for President, Congressman, or Party President. These two interesting facts can become disastrous when they coincide. If a nation is wiped out close to or on congressional elections, then it must enter into a month without a Congress. Apart from the normal functions of a Congress being unable to be used by that nation (impeachment, taxation, donations, etc), the nation has no organization in place to regulate citizenship. This means that anyone can move to that nation and, with the press of a button, gain that nation's citizenship.

Last summer, the United States was reduced to its final region--Florida--and under threat of being wiped out. At the time it would have been the most expensive battle ever to be opened in eRepublik, and the largest wall to overcome, so our enemies hesitated. In that hesitation, with the help of our tremendous allies around the world, we managed to push back and reclaim what was lost. Now, one of our closest allies has not been spared from that threat. No, Croatia has been completely wiped out, its open wars, alliances, and government destroyed. It is now a blank slate. Two resistance wars began at the last possible moment to spare it from not having a sitting Congress elected for the month of August, but due to administrator error the resistance wars were pushed back, closing too late for Croatia to be spared. Croatia now has open citizenship and is susceptible to a complete and hostile Phoenix take-over.

But we will not stand idly by to let our good friends, our bros, suffer from such a fate. EDEN will not stand by and allow one of its most faithful and prominent members to be politically overrun by its enemies-- the same enemies who hold the Liaoning region of China hostage, who have politically taken over our friends in Australia, and who ripped our beloved state of California from our hands. To save our friends from utter destruction--and I cannot stress how great the threat is that Croatia will be forever lost to our enemies--the United States of America shall embark on a project headed by former president and sitting Secretary of State Harrison Richardson. This operation is backed by the Reala Administration and America's top party leadership. Operation: Swift Fury.

Country President Elections shall take place on the fifth of August, nine days from now. While we in the United States will be safe for our normal politicking, Croatia will be under tremendous threat of being PTO'd by a Phoenix puppet president. In order to give Croatia all of the support that we possibly can from this threat, we are encouraging all Americans able to move to Croatia and declare Croatian citizenship, and then vote for the legitimate Croatian presidential candidate on election day.

You say: But what of my vote in the United States? I still want to have a say in who becomes president of my own country!

In order to allow for our nation to still be politically legitimate and viable, we will be having a national primary in order to choose the presidential nominee before the fifth. Using the technology at our disposal, people will be able to cast votes on the candidates before the actual elections. Then, the largest party in the United States shall nominate the winning candidate and some people shall remain in the country to ensure that candidate is elected. The remaining Top 4 parties will each nominate a blocker candidate (ones who can be completely trusted not to pull anything funny or politically-motivated) to make sure no one else can jump into the field and steal the election.

Then, all Americans able and winning will move to Croatia to save our bros from complete destruction as a country by electing a legitimate Croatian president. Not only does this help ensure America's future success in battle be defending one of our most powerful allies, but it helps a friend that has helped us many times in the past, that we love, and who we owe it to enough to not let them be destroyed by Phoenix.

So, please, do your part to help our country and help our good friends in Broatia. Pay attention to the media for instructions. Save Croatia, Save America. Read here for more details.

Hail Croatia.
Hail America.
Vote in the eUS National Primary, and then Vote in Croatia on election day.

~Myles Robinson~
White House Chief of Staff