European Social Alliance. A World Perspective [Swedish Edition]

Day 466, 11:57 Published in Sweden United Kingdom by CV James

A couple of weeks ago, citizens of Europe were greeted with the following message from current British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Squiddy:

“Dear citizens of the UK and Europe, I have been busy at work these past few weeks, very busy indeed. For a long time now, I've disagreed with the motives and actions of the two current super powers, ATLANTIS and PEACE and I feel it's time for a bit of change, for a new era to grace the realms of Erepublik. I would like to introduce to you all the concept of Europe to Erepublik. Work has already commenced on creating this new alliance and it's been branded the European Social Alliance.”

Citizens from all over the world were invited to join the new ESA forums and for the past few weeks work has been going on behind the scenes to help establish this new opportunity for cooperation and unity throughout Europe.

“As the creator of ESA, I think a lot of people assume I have some kind of superior control over the project, when in reality I have no more/less than the average citizen”, said Squiddy when interviewed earlier.

“I get a lot of questions which often force me to speak on behalf of the entire alliance. For instance, I have seen a lot of messages saying things like, well ‘Squiddy said this/that so then it's definitely going to happen’. I'd just like to point out that's not the case at all! Until the UK joins ESA, or I leave the country and join one that is a member, I will never have any kind of official say/vote with the ESA.”

When asked what the ESA stood for, he replie😛 “The ESA stands to promote unity within Europe, with the ultimate goal of all ESA members working together in a multitude of ways. The ESA will focus mainly on the economies and politics of each country. Providing economic treaties will be one of the main goals for the ESA, with a possible long term goal of making the EU a self sustaining continent - that way everyone knows that they will be supported by their friends and won't have to rely on countries they have little to no contact with.”

However, it does not hold the support of all nations.

The State Department of the USA, when contacted regarding this article, replie😛 “The eUS fully supports the ATLANTIS alliance and its member states. It does not approve of any separate alliance, military or otherwise, which contains nations of the PEACE alliance. As the ESA documentation claims long term, "The ESA should be viewed as an alternative to ATLANTIS and PEACE", so supporting ESA in any form is viewed as completely detrimental to the unity, strength and goals of ATLANTIS and its nations.”

Similarly, the alliance is said to be strongly opposed by both Sweden and Spain, both of whom were contacted for this article but unavailable for comment.

Romania’s Ambassador to the UK. whose nation has chosen to stay away from membership, said of it: “we are not against the alliance, we actually support it and hope that it works out, but joining such an alliance with all the responsibility it would bring would prove untimely for us as it does not have common goals with us.”

Meanwhile, their President Dsalageanu, described the alliance as “a very interesting initiative” wishing Europe good luck with it. “We think Europe needs that a project like [the ESA] in order to offer the countries the possibility of making choices based on forward-to motivations” he went on.

In contrast to the United States, he declared Romania does “not consider ESA as a threat to Atlantis or Romania, nor do we expect to have an ‘ally against PEACE’”, but affirms it is “not their objective to ever join this organization”. “We can imagine a good cooperation with ESA as an organization or its member countries (regardless of their "Atlantis" or "Peace" current memberships or heritages)”.

Interestingly, Dsalageanu refused to give any guarantee ESA nations would be completely immune from the might of Romania; but added “we can guarantee that any Romanian operation will be based on a pragmatic and comprehensive motivation”.

As is stands at the moment, Germany and Portugal are already officially members of the ESA, whilst Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Czech Republic are currently proposing the ESA to their congress equivalents.

The President of the newly independent Belgium, Palodigon, said in an interview with me; “The Belgian congress has recently accepted the proposal to join the ESA. We're a rather small country and thus an easy prey for a political takeover. The ESA could secure us from those things happening to us. Especially because Belgium is a neutral country and doesn't want to be a member of Atlantis or PEACE. I can say Belgium has some active members on the ESA forum including myself to put things to motion. We're enthusiastic about this.”

Moreover, Isy, Germany’s President (one of the two official ESA member states), described the ESA as a way of bring about a united Europe, and that for Germany, “the dream of a united Europe is one of the dreams that all Germans have”. On the issue of Sweden and the ESA, Isy replie😛 “I will be glad when Sweden accept the Charter of the ESA and joins us”.

One of the criticisms the ESA has faced is the accusation it will be nothing more than a puppet of PEACE, because the majority of member states or pending member states are PEACE-affiliated. Others have described this as ignorant and nothing more than scare-mongering tactics.

“Critics are critics”, says German President Isy. “In real life, the members of the EU are also members of NATO, we Europeans aren't puppets of NATO, the same we can say about eRepublik, it doesn't matter when parts of eEurope are ATLANTIS or PEACE GC, because the first thing what they should think off is the best for their Nation and the best for Europe”.

The days of the European Social Alliance are early. It’s future is as of yet uncertain whilst debates over membership continue in nations all over Europe. The Finnish Ambassador to the UK stated Finland “will form a definitive opinion on the matter at a later stage, when the ESA concretes it's unions agenda” when contacted by us. It is no secret both the incumbent British Minister of Defence and British Prime Minister oppose British membership.

“What I would say to those people on the fence regarding ATLANTIS/ESA or PEACE/ESA is to think about their current alliance” states Squiddy (ESA founder). “Both alliances are guilty of committing ill deeds, for what ever reason, (trust me there will be plenty). If you would prefer your country to be in an alliance that actively works for the best interests of it's members then take a look at the ESA forums where you can see for yourself what's going on. Yes, that's right, the ESA forums are 100% free and open - no hidden sections”.

Either way, eUK Telegraph encourages debate over the issue at hand. With the ESA, we have a chance to heal past wounds with nations such as France; Germany has a chance to patch up very tentative relations with Sweden.

Is this a chance we can afford to miss?

CV James

To visit the European Social Alliance forums, click here