eUNL Presidency : ThomasRed speak to the nation..

Day 673, 07:35 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

eUNL Presidency : ThomasRed speak to the nation...

Dear citizens of the United Netherlands,

It have been serveral days i didn't wrote an article or posted comments as President of the United Netherlands...

It have been a very difficult period for me, because you were the ones who voted for me in a beautiful election last month, and i wasn't able to do my job at 100%.

A lot of things have happened during these days, some good things, as the birth of new political parties, but also a lot of bad things.

"While the cat's away, the mice will play" : I'm the only one responsible of this situation but i want to make some statements on differents points.

My unavailability

Some eRepublik friends get the reason of my unavaibility and i won't explain you the details of it : it's personnal things. I lost the possibility of having a internet connection daily and it have become a lot more difficult for me to access to eRepublik. I used the term "unavailability", and not the one "inactivity" that many used. The difference is that i didn't stopped to eat/train/fight/read articles on eRep, i managed to have a internet spot every day to get the last news. Some citizens asked me to wrote an article, or to post comments, to explain my situation. I didn't do it, because the only
thing i was able to say was : "hello, i'm here, bye" and i wasn't able to react on the numerous subjects and with such an article, people would have expected more reactions from the President. But in the same way, i don't know if it was wise, because some people used the fact i was on erep each day but didn't posted to attacked me. One day, after i read a lot of articles about the political crisis, i posted a shout, a citation, because i didnt have the time to write more. But it have also been used against me, the fact i posted a shout, but didn't react.

I know and I understand that my unavailability have not helped our country, but maybe it allowed you, my fellow citizens, to see the other face of some guys from our eUNL establishment.It's sad to say that.

What does i mean by that ?
Kixtart, our forum admin, have choose me as his main target during these last days. On my "inactivity", he tried to explain that i was volontary inactive on erep because, after having checked several times a day my log connections on a football forum website, he noticed that i had the time to surf on other website than eRepublik (does he noticed too i didn't posted there too?). I'm sorry i didn't use all my internet connection time availability for eRepublik, and i'm sorry i also visited other website. But i've been affraid to see that i was under close monitoring on some personal activities which have no links with eRepublik.

The same guy had also all my log information on eRepublik (worked daily), on eNetherlands (as admin), on Peace GC forum (as admin too), on the forum website (as ... ?). Wasn't a good point for me that i also took the time for visiting the Peace GC forum ? I didn't let my country alone, but paradoxically the fact i connected everyday proved for him my inactivity !

So Kixtart decided that the good thing to do to help me to stay informed about the situation of our country was to "ask" the government to removed my access to the congress private section and to the government private section on the forum... Without any message, suddenly, i wasn't able anymore to access these privates sections ! He made a request about it on the goverment private section, and only Frerk answered. So do i have to believe that this decision have been taken by 2 members, including one of our admin ? And what about the Congress is for ? Does the Congress is only for voting yes on donations for state companies ? CongressMembers, i invited you to don't accept this situation ! The highest power of our country is you, you're are the representatives of our nation !

In the last days, some people talked about a Belgian Party organised Political Take Over on the GVD, because some members of the BP tried to make a political electro shock, but in a way i canno't accept as President. I agree our country have been the victim of a PTO, but not from a a Political Take Over on a party, but from a Presidency Take Over !

A Presidency Take Over ? The forum admin who deleted my usergroups access on without the agreement of the United Netherlands Congress is also the candidate who finished second in the last Presidential election, after a hard mano a mano election... Is it the random ? I had to asked the question...

I've read on the forum today that the fact that the situation we had, with our two forum admins active in politics and in the same party, wasn't a good thing. I'm glad to see that i was not the only one to think that too, as I already asked questions about this situation two months ago. One of the answer was that i have been choosed to be a global moderator. This was a first step...

It means that i was already considered as someone you can trust in our nation. And i do believe i can still be trust, as i have also been chosed to be a member of the eUNL Council of Elders. I also think, that with my previous achievements for our country, i had the right to expect more respect from some political people. When Frerk write an article and that a comment tell me i have to heard this voice because of the 148 votes the article had, and that it is the voice of the eUNL citizens, it make me a bit laugh. Irc votes, okay... But i'm now a quite experienced player, and i think i understand now very well how it works in erepublik. It's not with irc vote that i have been elected three times in a row as President, and presented in a eUNL article as a member of the Top 5 most famous members of our country.

I have been also a bit disapointed by Frerk, but now i have to say i don't expect a lot from him. I thank him for all he done for our country, and the time he gave to try to make our country better. But i think that Frerk have lost some of his political credibility during the last three months. I accept his lessons, and i will take car of them, but i don't forget that Frerk was the President of Iron&Wine during the month this party begun to fall, that he had to dismissed from Home Affaires Ministery after having playing with citizens votes, that he left I&W for LSD, with the explanation it made already a long time that he tought to change of party because he didn't fit anymore in I&W (and that on the month before he left I&W he was a I&W presidential candidate... 😒), that he left LSD to go back to I&W again, and without explanation... Frerk also decided to changed the passes from his Defense organisations to prevent Sliverver to stole them. Something which have been accepted by the government, but i didn't received the new passes, and in the same time i lost the access to all the orgs passes. The only ones who had all the passes were me as President and Cocoamok as future Council of Elders members and to not let me alone with the passes for more democraty. Till today, i still don't know who changed all the passes, who had the passes, and i didn't received the new ones. It seems i had to asked them, maybe because i'm only President...

I have the feeling that some guys put me sticks in the wheels...
Did I deserve all this mistrust against me ? Did my unavailability during some days, after being very active for more than 140 days in a row, was an opportunity for some to discredit me ?

It's maybe hard words, but the way the General Kixtart and his lieutenant Frerk processed in the last days make me think about a putsch, like we had in RL Latin America, with a totalitarian dictator...

I said dictator, i said putsch, it make me think about something that happened during my unavailability, and which is my worst nightmare under my Presidence. I want to speak about the darkest days our country lived, these darkest days where our national army have been send in our streets in our cities against our citizens... I said it again, but i don't accept the previous PTO organised by some old BP members to make an electro shock, but does the reaction was the good one ? Our Minister of Defense have also asked the help of the ATO Troops of PEACE GC ??!! For some citizens trying something that is not forbidden by the law ? Or maybe these members weren't considered as eUNL citizens, but as strangers ?

Maybe some are not considered like true eUNL citizens, because i also read that Nicoe was a danger and have not to be considered as a GVD member if he is elected, to allow the GVD president to have a extra seat in congress... But the same situation with Bruno Goethals, the old and experienced GVD member who are on the BP list have not the same read for the one who agreed on the first point with Nicoe. There is laws, dir sirs, and we canno't make or transform, or understand the law in the way we want for some case and in a other way for others cases. That is democracy.

I was also very sad to see that some experienced citizens made all they can do to not allow us to change the name of our country. With some rules created by a minister, with some falses statements, and with not considering the fact that the majority of the congress were in favour of the change. But i hope it's was just a false start, and that together we will be able to strenghten our union more than ever, with justice, democraty, solidarity and egality !

I will finished with the renewall of the Hungarian MPP. Frerk told me i didnt follow the discussions on goverment (how can i do, he voted yes to remove me my access ?) and that i used the gold donated for a MPP with Serbia (even if some ministers don't remember we wanted to have a MPP with Serbia...). The fact is yesterday was the last day of our MPP with Hungary, that no MPP were proposed at this time, that Hungary asked me to renew our MPP, and that i was very happy to do it, to show our commitment once again into the strong friendship we have with Hungary since months ! it wasn't a misstrust against Serbia or against the Minister of Defense, but i took an action. I've learned too that it was planned to renew our MPP with Hungary (and it already planned for the next month, as it's the first MPP we renewed each month) so i don't see a real problem. You can make one to accused me of bad communications, but as my communications facilities have been removed by the one who ask me more communications, it's not a problem.

Finally, I want to thanks all my dearest friends who helped me during the last hard days for me, and to thanks the numerous eUNL citizens who send me some messages ! It have been a real reassurance for me.

You can see that i didn't spoke about the impeachment launched against me, but i want to remind you that during my three presidences, i have always give the highest importance to listenning, debating, respect, and democracy. These four words have not been the one with the most success in the last days, and i hope you will remind it when you will have to vote for the congress or for the presidential election. Not that i asked you to vote for me, but i asked you to not vote for the one who didn't act as real democrats and who used the Congress as a puppet...

Your President of the United Netherlands

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