eUK Weekly News - 17/01/2009-25/01/2009

Day 433, 12:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

I apologise for the lateness of this report, with the server downtime and the excitement of the elections, NNA Reports went out the window.

This week the press has been in awash with heated debate about Public Discussion conduct, and potential Congress members selling themselves to their constituents. It has been an interesting few days, that is for sure, and here are some of my favourite articles.


Author - Iain Keers
Newspaper - The Forum Door
Grumbling from the Forum: Government Pay

A great article from Iain Keers, summarising the big issues of the forum and expressing the pros and cons with his clear and unbiased writings. This week he talks about Government pay, and whether Ministers should work just for prestige and title.


Author - elbanaan
Newspaper - The Atomic Times
HowTO: Increase your wellness

A great beginners guide on how to increase and maintain Wellness. A must read for lower level citizens.

Author - Empire Corporation
Newspaper - The Destiny Chronicle
The Free-Thinking Party

A revolution is beginning with the birth of a new party. ex-eUK Prime Minister Final Destiny, the Party President writes.

Author - Iain Keers
Newspaper - The Forum Door
Raleigh Treaty- A lasting alliance with eIreland

Another great article from Iain Keers about the Raleigh Treaty. I would seriously consider a subscription to this reporter.


The MDU Helpline is there to offer support to everyone in need. Not just MDU members.

Author - Del Fuego
Newspaper - The Political Press
Issue 4: Interview with Stan Wephen (19/01/09)

What it says on the tin. Stan Wephen is the Party President of the People's Communist Party, Lord and MoE.


Author - Dishmcds
Newspaper - Dish - Traveller Edition
Welcome to the Dishmcds Honor Roll Society

Amusing satire in response to the argument over MDU calling their helpline MDU Helpline. This got mixed responses from the crowd, but makes a reasonable point.


Author - Dishmcds
Newspaper - Dish - Traveller Edition
The Glorious History of the eUK

A good educational article, discussing history and politics of eUK from our former Prime Minister.

Which leaves us with many many articles debating the rights and wrong of party bashing, Public Discussion conduct, flaming, trolling and offenders punishments. Here are a few articles from the madness. I tried to get a good cross section of the discussion in order to remain unbiased.

Author - IndieKid
Newspaper - Watchdog
I Denounce You

Author - Richard York
Newspaper - The Bath Times
Let's All Bash the MDU!

Author - HazzN
Newspaper - Tribulations
MY Opinion on the Public Discussion

Author - rastari
Newspaper - newspaper2
MDU debates, my opinion.

Author - Tommy Tommasino
Newspaper - J'accuse
A Defense of Public Discussion

Weekly Congress Report
Congressional Report 16/01/2009 - 22/01/2009

That concludes our summary of the news this week. If you would like your article featured in this newspaper, please PM the association, or for a more direct answer, HazzN, the Underminister of Information.